Part 9 || fire with fire

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Jungwon's POV

I checked her neck and it was mostly bruised. Her bottom lip was bleeding as well and I don't know why but it didn't make me happy. I was gonna tighten my grip but that might just hurt y/n since I was holding her jaw

Jungwon: "who the fuck did this to you" I grazed my thumb over it whipping most of it off. She seemed shocked but didn't really move. I heard the doors burst open but I didn't bother to look until y/n looked scared and tried looking at the schools direction but my hand was preventing her. I shifted my attention towards it and I see 3 girls coming out. One of them I recognize. I let go of y/n and she tried running away but I held her hand. I intertwined it letting her fingers go in between mine. She then just hid behind me.

Girl: "oh! Oppa what are you still doing- y/n?"

Jungwon: "what did you do to her?" I asked in a demanding and stern tone

Girl: "nothing, what did she tell you oppa? She's lying! If she told you I punched her then that's not true!" I chuckled/scoffed and looked to the side twisting my tongue inside my mouth. I smirked looking back at her

Jungwon: "I never said she told me you punched her" her face went pale and I just scoffed about to turn away but then she tried hugging my back. I pushed her back making her fall to the ground and her friends trying to help her

Y/N: "Jungwon" she whispered in a warning tone.

Girl: "why do you even stay with that bitch?" She started crying and I don't know what came up in me but this sudden rush of anger just enveloped me. You know when you're watching a movie and there's a couple who's husband is cheating on his wife? And then you can see the other woman acting all cute and clingy to the husband. You know that feeling where you just want to slap or kick them?

I let go of y/n and bent down in front of her grabbing her nape to make sure she looks at me

Jungwon: "don't you EVER call y/n a bitch again" I yelled when I said ever. She started crying but I couldn't care. My hand that was holding her was shaking from anger and my eyes were wide open warning her. "Don't ever come near me, Jay or y/n ever again. UNDERSTAND?" Y/n held my back and tried pulling me up. With all her strength she made me let go of this bitch and started patting my shoulder. I was still facing her in anger and y/n's back was facing the girls trying to calm me down

Y/N: "Jungwon stop it!" She herself was tearing up but she looked disappointed in me yet she seemed thankful. Y/n let out a sharp sigh and walked away. I was confused so I left the girls and ran after her


I had to leave the scene to catch my breathe. I was also so confused. I held my chest and felt my heart beating inside of me. I didn't move? I wasn't scared under his touch? Also last time I didn't flinch. What's happening? Is my trauma going away? No it can't cause the guy in the skating rink. I was scared of him. But Jungwon almost did the same thing and I didn't even move a muscle. Nothing was on my mind at that point. I was just staring at his worried eyes... I shook my thoughts off and just kept running

<time skip>

Jungwon's POV

Jungwon: "y/n" I caught up to her and she was looking down. "Why are you crying I legit just saved you"

Y/N: "yes but if I didn't stop you, you might've done something that would hurt them!" Wait what? That's why she's upset? Cause she was scared I was gonna hurt the people who hurt her?

Jungwon: "yes but that's what you're supposed to do! If they hurt you hurt them back!" She rubbed her forehead in stress

Y/N: "Jungwon listen" she calmly said "I'm very much thankful you saved me back there but do you know the reason why they hurt me?" I didn't answer but just shook my head no "it's cause of you" I looked to the side and bit the inside of my cheek. I kind of knew why but I wasn't 100% sure. "It's ok, I don't care if they hurt me but what you were gonna do or might've done is something unacceptable. You can't just easily hurt a girl like that"

I remember her again with your kind heart. She always chose to look past flaws like you. You're almost like her...

Jungwon: "but they won't learn to stop if you don't hurt them after they hurt you"

Y/N: "but if you fight fire with gire the world will go up in smoke! It's the same thing!" She raised her voice at me a bit. That actually makes sense. "What if everyone thought that? It would just be a chain of people hurting each other. What'll  happen then?" I stayed quiet and looked down a bit guilty

Jungwon: "sorry" she sighed while smiling

Y/N: "it's ok, anyway let's just go home for now" if I want to get rid of this coldness in me I have to start by giving it a chance


Jungwon: "no, if you still want let's go sledding" I was shocked. Jungwon actually offering to continue sledding? I chuckled and smiled at him

Y/N: "sure"

Early update for u guys woohooo!!

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