Chapter 19

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Seungmin: "Stop touching her hand!"

Minho: "W-what"

Seungmin: "I said stop touching her hand!"

Tea: "Hey Min what are you-"

Seungmin: "Don't you think that I saw how "nice" you were to each other?!"

Tea: "What are you talking about?!"

Minho: "What are you trying to say?!"

Seungmin: "Don't play dumb please"

Minho: "This is slowly going to far!"

Tea: "I hope you are kidding..."

Seungmin: "What if I don't! You guys were making jokes to each other non stop, Minho was literally feeding you and was looking at you the whole time! You always stayed next to Minho and talked with ONLY him! And now he is touching your hand when even I didn't hold it for so long! People would thing that you guys are dating and not us!"

Minho: "W-what? Is this some sick prank or something? If it is please stop that's not funny...!"

Seungmin: "Does it look like I'm JOKING?!"

The atmosphere was tense and the members just watched in silence, still being unable to say something because of the shock Seungmins sudden anger caused them.

Minho: "Wow... is t-that really what you think about me? About us...?"

Tea was standing there and was not processing what was happening right there and then.

Tea: "H-hey Seungmin l-let's talk about this w-"

She tried to touch his arm but Seungmin pulled his arm away, making her step back a little. That move was it... That move was the trigger to her emotions...

Seungmin: "Don't touch me right now!"

Tea: "Are you kidding me right now?! I drove hours here to see you again, I tell you that I love you all day long. I cried everyday after you left me alone at home and I always watch our videos to see you and to hear your voice... I never missed a person like this ever in my life and I thought that we were special! But... I guess I was the only one who really had trust in this relationship... Do you think it's easy seeing you with all your fans?! Do you think it was easy seeing you on stage, enjoying yourself while all the girls were screaming and were fangirling over you while I was sitting at home  watching your concerts live. You give hugs, high fives, you get tons of confessions and love letters from your fans and not only them but from female IDOLS as well! They are famous, rich, are pretty and have everything that I don't have...
I'm not going to lie I was often anxious about us because look at you... you are a successful, famous singer and then look at me... But I never ever questioned your loyalty and love for me like you just did mine...
And to today, I didn't talk much to you because you were a little weird today, so I thought that you maybe wanted a little privacy... and the reason why I talked to Minho so often was because he was planning a suprise for the Members! He said that you guys are always working and he wanted the Members to relax and enjoy themselves for a day which is why he asked me for advice!...
Oh no! Omg I am so sorry! Minho I completly d-destroyed the surprise! I am so sorry....!!!"

Minho: "...It's okey it's not your fault..."

Tea was disappointed in herself for telling everyone about the surprise which Minho was so excited for... but on the other hand she was not yet done with Seungmin.

Tea: "I would have never thought that you would excuse me of such thing but I don't even care about myself... how could you excuse your member, your best friend for years, that he would try to get close to your girlfriend! Shame on you Seungmin... I hope you feel dumb right now and I also hope that this was worth it!"

Tea runs outside as fast as she can and Seungmin was just standing there, slowly realising what he just did.

Minho stood still for a second and was also looking disappointed at Seungmin. He than grabed his mask and cap so people would not recognise him on the street.

Minho: "I will get some fresh air... and no I will not follow Tea don't worry..."

He then put on his shoes and closed the door slowly behind him.

The members were still shocked about what happened and didn't really knew what to do.

Chan: "Seungmin go in your room and come to your sense again, we will talk about this later!"

Without a word Seungmin went to his room still progressing that he probably destroyed everything that is important to him in minutes.

Chan: "Okey... w-wait so Tea is alone right know and doesn't really know this area, but on the other hand she took her phone with her so she should be fine... right?"

Jeongin: "I have bad news... her phone is next to me right now..."

Chan: "Oh my god this is stressing me out!"

Changbin: "No wait! She came alone to our dorm right? So she would know how our dorm looks and knows the adress as well. I also don't think that she went too far from here so we should give her a little bit of time alone and if she is still not here in 2 to 3 hours we will look for her okey?"

Chan: "Okey that is a good plan..."

[Tea's POV]

I was just going straight not knowing where I am or where I'm going with tears running down my face nonstop. I was confused, angry, disappointed...
Why?! Why didn't he trust me?! Why didn't he trust Minho?! I am so angry right now, how could he think that I am cheating on him with his Member?! How?! This hurts so much...

[Two hours later]

How long has it been that I am outside? It feels like hours... and it's getting darker... Is it okey if I go to the dorm again? Would Seungmin want me there or will he... break u-up with me... but I don't want to see him right now how could he! Also my legs are literally burning I need to sit down asap...


Tea sat down on a bench in a park with a really pretty view. It was slowly getting darker and stars could be slowly seen on the sky. The view was perfect but the emotions that she felt in that moment kept distracting her from it. No tears were left to cry so she just looked emotionless, tired and lost in thoughts.
All of a sudden a voice was calling out for her.


Annyeong! Did you like this Chapter? Then don't forget to vote down left and share it with your friends that would like this story too.^^♡ Sorry for the short chapter I didn't want to make you wait any longer hehehe :3 I hope to see you again in the next Chapter too!>< Thank you for Reading and take Care💚

And if you didn't saw or knew already I have a Stray kids fan account called @straykids_season I post there many things about them and other groups too so I would appreciate when you would check it out><💕 Thank youu💚

See you in the next chapter! Byeee~♡

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