Chapter 13

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He Kissed me.....

After we broke our kiss we just looked at each other and hugged again. We realized that it was our last goodbye.

"Seungmin you need to go now your Hyungs are probably shooked right now." I laughed

"The timing is off everytime they do something." Seungmin laughed.

"Here we go then..."

Seungmin opened the door and got instantly hugged from everybody.

"Seungmin are you okey?!" Chan said.

"Omg we missed you so muchhh!!! Minho said.

"Don't do something like this again!" Woojin said.

And there was another Voice coming from behind the car. It was Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin you are here too?" Seungmin smiled and run to him for a hug.

"Yes I wanted to surprise you!" Hyunjin said.

Wow he really looks like an angel what the hell that skin tho. Omg Tea what are you saying these boys all look perfect. Welp I am not crying with my ugly a*s here, wait yes I do.

"You must be Tea then." Minho said.

"Ah yes, hello Minho Oppa." I smiled.

He came closer and hugged me.

"Thank you so much Tea without you we couldn't even Imagine what could have happened."

"I don't regret anything it was my pleasure and also Seungmin helped me a lot so I am grateful too. Thank you for being his second family." I smiled.

"Ahh that's really nice of you and btw do you remember the first time I called you?"

"Yes I do why?"

"I think I was too harsh on the phone because I couldn't believe you at first so sorry about that."

"Omg what Hahahhaa you are so cute. That was nothing and honestly I would do the same so don't think about it anymore."

Minho smiled.

Then Chan and Woojin came.

"Thank you Tea we really appreciate what you have done for us. Can we give you a hug?" They shyly asked

Two hot damn boys want to hug Me UHM HELL YES.

"Come here boys. You must have been worried about him." I said while pulling them into a hug.

"We couldn't even eat properly and perform on stage until we called you and knew that Seungmin was safe."

"Awww no need to worry anymore, I feed him, went with him outside, we watched movies and of course I gave him many clothes so he is fine. Also I have a pic from him where he has my unicorn pajamas on you guys could blackmail him with it." I laughed.

"I like her." Woojin said while looking at Chan.

"Me too."

"Is that Tea?" Someone yelled from the back.

It was Hyunjin. I could see him run to me, hugging me.

4 hot boys hugging me nonstop. Thank you my life is now complete.

"Thank you for taking care of my budd Tea. And the other boys told me to say thank you too. Jeongin even said that he loves you too hahaa."

"Aww cute no big deal really."

We both smiled at each other.

"Omg that Eye smile- omg wait nooo I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Hahahaha thank you. Your eyes are are really pretty too."

Omg I am fricking blushing what the hell stop it Tea.

"Hyunjin can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"I need to know your skincare routine cause damn that skin is flawless and glowing."

"Hahahaah sure but my secret is that I don't use anything."

"Wow you are naturally perfect. Omg again I am sorry didn't mean to say that out loud."

"No worries and thank you again."

"Ah and Hyunjin you know the video where Minho teased you with gummi bears. I bought you a few packets of Gummi bears so you can eat it now." I laughed.

"I want some too!" Minho screamed from behind.

"We want too!" Chan and Woojin said while doing aegyo.

"Hahahahaha omg you guys are so cute I bought more bags so you all can eat it."

"Awww thank you." >-<

"So Tea we need to go now thank you again for everything." Chan said.

"Here before I forget." I gave Chan a bag.

"What is this?"

"I made some food this morning for you guys. There is Teokbukki, some Pizza, cake and the snacks. Eat well and I also wrote some notes on random bags for every member so make sure to read it even tho it is a little embarrassing hehe."

"Aww Imma cry. Thank you we will enjoy it." Minho said.

They sit down in the car. But Seungmin came to me.

"Tea I wrote you my number here." He gave me a small piece of paper.

"Thank you I will write you a message so you have my number then too."

"Okey that sound like a plan."

"I already miss you." Seungmin said.

"Too. Don't forget that I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered so the members can't hear us.

We hugged each other again for a last time. And then he went into the Car. The members waved there Hands and then drove of.....


Annyeong!💚 Did you like this Chapter? Then don't forget to vote down left and share it with your friends that would like this story too.^^♡ Also sorry for the slow updates school is stressing me out like hell! I hope to see you again in the next Chapter too!><💚 Thank you for Reading and take Care💚

And if you didn't saw or knew already I have a Stray kids fan account called @straykids_season I post there many things about them and other groups too so I would appreciate when you would check it out><💕 Thank youu💚

See you in the next chapter! Byeee~♡

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