Chapter 4

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[Seungmin's POV]

I opened my eyes and saw that she took us to bowling

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I opened my eyes and saw that she took us to bowling.

"And do you like my surprise?" She asked.

"Yes of course! But it's actually my first time playing. I bet I can't even throw it properly." I laughed.

"Bowling is so much fun. I think you will enjoy it as much as I do." She smiled.

"If you say so." I smiled back.

"Let's go Seungminie."

Wait a minute.... Did she just called me Seungminie? I know it's nothing special but I think that we got a little closer to each other just now.

We took our bowling shoes and went to the bowling alley with the number 7.

"Tea, I'm going to be really bad at this."

"Look, we are here for fun. You will learn fast and I bet that you will be better then me in the end."

"Thank you."

"For what?" She asked confused.

"For believing in me." I said and winked at here.

She blushed a little on her cheeks. It was the cutest thing ever. But I didn't say anything to make here not uncomfortable.

"Seungminie you are first."

I stood up and took a pink bowling ball. As I wanted to throw it Tea stopped me.



"Should we make a bet?"

"No, you know that I will lose!"

"Oh come on, I want to make a bet." She said while doing aegyo.

Aish! Why is she so cute? How can I say no to this?

"Fine. But....for what?"

"What do you want?" She asked.

"If I win we will go to the cinema after this."

"Can't you decide for something else?"

"Why, if I win I want to go to the cinema with you were is the problem?"

"It's jus- nevermind." She said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She said and smiled.

"What do you want to do if you win?"

"If I win you will cook us dinner later okey?" She asked.

"The bet is on!"


[Tea's POV]

Seungmin took the bowling ball and threw it towards the bowling pins.

"Man I missed."

"It was your first try Seungmin."

"I will probably cook us something tonight." He said and laughed a little.

It was my turn. I took the purple bowling ball and throw it.

"Wow Tea you got 9 from 10."

[After a while.....]

I had 120 points and Seungmin 111 points. It was now the last round and it was Seungmin's turn. He took the pink bowling ball again and....

"Seungminie that was your first Strike!"

"Wuah, what a great feeling." He said with a really happy face.

It was now my turn. I really wanted to taste his food again but I wanted to let him win too. I mean it was his first time playing and I want him to have a good memory here. But the problem is that I have a reason why I don't want to go to the cinema. I think I know what I'm going to do. I can't stuck in the past forever right? I threw the ball and.....

"I won!" Said...........

(Anyeong! I'm so sorry for this really short chapter! I am sick right now that's why I couldn't wrote so much. I hope that you liked it even when it is so short! Anyways I just saw that we reached over 200 reads in 3 weeks! And Thank you for Reading!💚)

You and Seungmin or should I say Seungminie went to bowling and you both made a bet.
Who won the bet?
And what will happen next?

See you in the next Chapter^^

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