Chapter 18

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Seungmin got so scared that he just froze in place, needing to process what just happened

Seungmin: "Tea? TEA!"

He immediately hugged her

Seungmin: "You're here, next to me finally. You will stay her for a bit right?!"

Tea: "Yes hahahah, the boys and I thought that this would be a better surprise"

Seungmin: "You guys thought that letting me suffer first and then telling me truth would be a better surprise?"

Tea: "Yes?"

Seungmin huggs Tea even closer

Seungmin: "You guys did a great job, I though it was real! I was feeling so sad but I couldn't be happier now"

Seungmin: "Tea?"

He goes a little back so he could see her face

Seungmin: "Are you crying?"

Tea: "I-I missed y-ou so m-much"

Seungmin wipes away her tears with his thumb and puts his chin on her head so that he could keep her even closer to him. He starts tearing up too. He tries to not show it and tries to wipe it away before Tea notices.

Seungmin: "Can you hear my heartbeat?"

Tea: "Yes, it's calming me down"

Seungmin: "It's really fast isn't it" He chuckles

Tea: "Hahahahah it is but so is mine"

[1 hour later]

They all were sitting down in the living room and Tea got to know the guys better

Jisung: "Do you guys want to watch a movie?"

Seungmin: "That would be great"

Jisung put on a movie while Chan and Minho were preparing the snacks.

After watching the movie for a bit Tea started to get tired. Her head slowly fell on Seungmins shoulder. At first Seungmin was a little startled but eventually started to brush his fingers through her hair.

Minho: "Oh Tea fell asleep"

Seungmin: "Yeah I will bring her to bed"

Jeongin: "Where will she sleep?"

Seungmin: "Next to me"

Seungmin carried Tea in bridal style to his room and layed her down on his bed carefully. He looked at her for a little while and eventually layed down next to her. After admiring her for a little while he also fell asleep.

[Next Morning]

Seungmin woke up to laughter which where coming from out of his room. He stood up and got a little surprised that Tea wasn't next to him. He wondered where she is and got out of his room to search for her. More laughter could be heard from the kitchen. As Seungmin came closer he realized that the laughing person was Tea and also another person.

Seungmin saw Minho and Tea standing together and it looked like they were cooking something. Tea was laughing while Minho was making funny faces and jokes. Seungmin stood there looking at them both and feeling something that he never felt before. He felt anxious, almost anger but not really.

Seungmin: "What is this feeling" he whispered to himself.

Minho looked behind and saw Seungmin standing there lost in thoughts.

Minho: "Hey Seungmin help us prepare Breakfast before the others wake up"

Tea: "Hey Minnie did you sleep well?:

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