Chapter 23 (END)

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Seungmin: "There are probably a lot of people who heard of the dating rumour of Minho Hyung and a girl... Well these dating rumours are fake and were displayed wrong. It got a lot of public attention but like I said it's not true."

The crowd literally went crazy.

Seungmin: "That is not true but there is someone I want to introduce to our Stays."

After 5 seconds of silence I suddenly see Seungmin grabbing me by my hand and dragging me on the stage.


Seungmin: "Baby believe me, okey?"

We went through the curtains and the next thing I see is a huge crowd and the boys who were standing next to me with an surprised expression. I guess they didn't know eighter.


Seungmin: "This is Tea and she is the person who was rumored to be dating Lee Know Hyung."

The crowed gasped.

Tea: "Seungmin what are you doing?!"

Seungmin: "This beautiful girl right here is not Lee Know Hyungs Girlfriend but she is my Girlfriend and I hope soon to be wife!"

Everyone was shocked and the silent took over the whole place.

Seungmin kneeled down and took out a little red box with a ring inside.

Tea and the boys were so shocked that they couldn't even react properly. It was as if everything turned dark and they were the only people there.

Seungmin: "Tea, would you like to be my Wife and my partner for the rest of my life, who I will always love and protect?"

Tea was to stunned to speak.

Tea: "I-is this o-okey?" She asked conserned.

Seungmin nodded in an ensuring way.

Tea: "Y-yes I would love to!"

Seungmin put the ring on Tea's finger, stood up and gave her a big hug.

Seungmin: "I love you!"

Tea: "I love you too!"

The crowd and the rest of the boys didn't know how to react.

A wave of camera flashes came and interviewers started to scream questions into their faces.

Seungmin took the microphone again: "Thank you to all of our fans and the people who help and support us. I hope you can understand and accept my feelings toward this beautiful Woman. I didn't do anything wrong, neighter the the Members or Tea, so please be considered about our feelings. I hope you look forward to our next Performance, thank you!"

The Members and Tea left the stage and went to their changing room. Tea waited outside the room, so that the boys could talk alone.

There was a awkward silence between the boys.

Seungmin: "I'm sorry that I-"


Seungmin: "W-wait, you guys are not mad...?"

Minho: "Why should we?!"

Seungmin: "There will probably be a huge hate wave coming-"

Chan: "Don't worry about that! We are fine and will not take it personal at all, haters are going to hate eighter way, so might es well live your life to the fullest!"

Seungmin: "Guys thank you, I don't deserve you all!"

Felix: "Now go and talk to Tea!"

Seungmin opened the door but couldn't find Tea. He looked around at diffrent rooms and found her in a small room with a mirror and a few chairs.

Seungmin: "Tea! I searched for you for like-"

Tea turned around and tears were falling down her cheeks.

Seungmin: "Omg Tea... what happened?!"

He hugged her thight.

Seungmin: "A-are you not happy...? Did I put you in a Situation were you couldn't say no to my proposal?!"

Tea: "Why would I say no?!"

Seungmin: "Omg I though my heart was about to drop, what is it then?"

Tea: "I am happy, but I..."

Seungmin cuppes her face and looks at her eyes.

Seungmin: "Tell me my love, what is it?"

Tea: "I-I destroyed everything you and the boys worked for until this day... I am the problem..."

Seungmin: "W-what are you talking about, you didn't do anything. You made my life happier and worth living. Don't you ever say something like that again!"

Tea: "I love you..."

Seungmin hugged her again.

Seungmin: "I love you too baby, there are maybe going to be a few hate comments but ignore them as much as possible okey? Our love is worth more then that, don't you ever forget that!"

Seungmin looked at her face and wiped away her tears.

Seungmin: "Got it beautiful?"

Tea nodded.

Seungmin: "Come let's show the boys your Ring! Do you like it?!"


Wow... it's been exacly 4 Years that I posted my first Chapter of this Story. I was not consistent and sometimes didn't post for months but I am really proud of myself that I finished this story! These last 4 years were a beautiful Journey and I appreciate the people who kept waiting and kept reading my Story! I got nice and beautiful comments and it made my day! It was a really fun time I spend writing this... It is my first Book I wrote so there are a lot of Mistakes and weird cuts but I think I learned a lot from this! I hope, that I will see you in the future on another book of mine :) Thank you for hanging out here, I love youuuu byeee~

 It is my first Book I wrote so there are a lot of Mistakes and weird cuts but I think I learned a lot from this! I hope, that I will see you in the future on another book of mine :) Thank you for hanging out here, I love youuuu byeee~

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