Chapter 14

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And they drove away.

[Hyunjin's POV]

We all were so happy that Seungmin was with us.

"Guys let's eat shall we? Mhh omg that smells delicious! Oh and Tea said that she wrote us notes shall we read it now or with the other members?" Chan Hyung asked.

"Ahhh I am really curios but let's wait for the other members." Woojin Hyung said.

"Seungmin how did you even ended up there?" Minho Hyung asked.

Seungmin than told us everything.

"Woah our Seungminie went through so much, good thing Tea was there to help you." Chan Hyung said.

"Seungmin you should have seen Chan Hyung, he was Crying 24/7." I said.

"Hyunjin you are the one to talk. You didn't eat, sleep or did anything you were like a zombie all these days." Woojin Hyung said.

"I am really grateful to Tea though..." Seungmin said.

"We all are."

I don't know why but knowing Seungmin for many years I could sense something like... sadness? But it couldn't be, he is with us now.

"Seungmin you are okey right?" I asked him.

"Of course, I really missed you guys!" He playfully patted me with his hand on my head.

He is fine look, ahh Hyunjin you are always so negative! But I still feel a little uneasy about it.


[Back in the dorm]

[Door ring]

Jisung: "They arrived!"

All of the Members that were in the dorm (Changbin, Jisung, Felix, Jeongin) stood up and ran to the door.

Felix: "Omg I hear them!"

The Members all looked exhausted from the long ride.

Jeongin: "Omg Seungmin Hyung we missed you so much!" ㅠ-ㅠ

They all hugged Seungmin.

Chan: "Kids let Seungmin breath he is fine now." He laughed

Seungmin: "I missed you too guys!"

After they all sit down and talked about what happened they started feeling hungry.

Changbin: "Ah I am so hungry we didn't eat properly these few days." ¤-¤

Woojin: "I have a surprise for you guys!" He stood up and took a big bag from the other room. "You guys know Tea right?"

Changbin: "The Girl who helped Seungmin?"

Woojin: "Yes, she prepared us all some food. She also wrote each one of us a note. We were so curious but we waited for you guys, I think we deserved a applaus for that."

Jisung: "Woah as expected our Members are the best!" He jokingly said.

Chan: "Let's eat shall we!"

[20 Minutes later]

Jisung: "Woah I am so full I couldn't even eat one thing more!"

Minho: "Who wants to read the notes and eat the snacks!"

Jisung: "ME!"

Hyunjin: "I though you couldn't eat even one more thing."

Jisung: "That was 5 seconds ago!"

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