Chapter 2

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[Tea's POV]

We began to walk back to the gas station. I could see that he was scared and I don't know why but it was really cute.

"Are you scared?" I asked him.

"No of course not! I'm a man!"

Suddenly the bush started moving.
Seungmin got scared. He took my hand and holded it really tight.
A bird got out of the bush and flew away.

"Calm down it's just a bird." I said while laughing.

"I was not scared!" He said.

"Mhh right you are a strong man. Can I now have my hand back please?"

"Oh sorry." He let go of my hand and a tint of red could be seen on his cheeks.

We continued walking.

"I probably live a day right now that every fangirl is dreaming of right?" I asked.

"Probably." He said while smiling. But then he looked kind of sad.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask him with a worried voice.

"No of course not! It's just everyone thinks that we are like so cool and perfect but in the end of the day we are human too.
I can't even visit my family or meet up with some friends." He said while smiling but I could see his sadness on his face.

"But did you.....chose to be an Singer?"

"Yes and I don't regret even a little bit of it. I have the boys. They are my new family now. And the fans, I love the fans. But we have a private life too you know? They start screaming and taking pictures when ever they see us outside or somewhere else. I can remember that last time when Hyunjin got sick. I went with him to the doctor but because of the fans we couldn't even get into the room properly."

Ahhh, I just heard how my heart broke.

"Sometimes I ask myself how my life would be if I didn't audition for JYP."

"You wouldn't have met the boys." I said while smiling at him.

"That's probably true."

"So, tell me something about yourself."

He began to tell me some information about the Members, about his life and how he got into this situation.


[Seungmin's POV]

When I saw the gas station I was so happy

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When I saw the gas station I was so happy. I was just gone for like 40 minutes but I missed the boys so much. My head stopped hurting too. I think it has something to do with her. I just thought of her smile and boom my head didn't hurt anymore.

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