Chapter 22

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A photo was shown on the TV. It was a little bit dark but you could still see two people's back sitting on a bench.

Tea: "But Minho that is definetly you and a girl next to you..."

After looking a little closer Tea started coughing.

Seungmin: "Are you okey?!"

Minhos eyes started getting bigger. In that moment he also realized who that person next to him was.

Chan: "Minho who is that girl?!"

Minho: "I-it's...

Tea: "Me..."

Seungmin: "Wait what?! It's... y-you?!"

Tea: "Yeah but it's really not what it looks like! Minho do you remember the flash light in the park? That was probably the Paparazzi!"

Minho: "Oh my god so it was really a flashlight I thought it was nothing special..."

Seungmin: "When and w-where was this taken?!"

Minho: "It was yesterday... After the fight when Tea and I went outside! Tea saw me on the bench and came to me, that's it!"

Seungmin: "It's okey I believe you. I was so dumb for accusing both of you yesterday and I am not going to make the same mistake again. I believe you and I am sorry for yesterday Hyung!"

Minho: "W-wait really?!"

Seungmin: "Yep, I hope you can forgive me..."

Chan: "But what are we going to do about the dating scandal?!"

Seungmin: "I already know what I am going to do but I need to speak to our Manager first!"

Changbin: "Oh no what are you going to do?!"

Felix: "Hyung let's trust him, he can do it!"

Jisung: "Felix is right Seungmin can do it! We believe in you bro!"

Seungmin: "Hahahahha thank you!"

Tea: "I am so sorry for this... Everything was fine until I came here, I should have never come. I'm sorry that I am causing you such problems..."

Seungmin: "Hey don't say that! It was all fine until I destroyed everything! Nothing is your fault and neighter is it from one of the members! It is my fault alone and I will correct this myself!"

Tea still looked sad but didn't say anything back.

For the next days the group couldn't go outside. Paparazzis were all over the place, waiting to see one of the boys to interview them about the dating scandal. Performances, fanmeetings and events were cancelled. The boys also agreed to not be active on social media to avoid getting hurt by the hate comments.
A few days went on like that. All together in their dorm without anyone leaving.

It was night and the members started getting ready to go to sleep. Tea was sleeping in Seungmin's room and Minho forgave Seungmin, so everything started to be the same again.

Tea and Seungmin shared one bed again. Seungmin fell asleep but Tea couldn't. She took her phone out from under her pillow and started scrolling through diffrent apps.

[Tea's POV]

"Who is the girl next to Lee Minho from Stray Kids?"

"Lee Minho from Stray Kids is secretly dating someone!"

These headlines were everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, Youtube... I was scrolling and scrolling but this was the only thing I was seeing.

I know I shouldn't read the comments but I also want to know what people thing about this, maybe... they will be happy for their idol, wouldn't they?

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