Chapter 16

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Tea: "HYUNJIN?!"

Hyunjin: "Hahahahha yes sorry if this was to suprising. How have you been?"

Tea: "O-omg ehm I've been good just the normal and you?"

Hyunjin: "Just the usual too. So I know that you are quiet shocked but me and the boys wanted to ask you for a favor..."

Tea: "Ehm sure?"

Hyunjin: "Seungmin doesn't know that we are talking to you right now so please don't tell him about this."

Tea: "Hyunjin you are scaring me..."

Hyunjin: "No no! It's just... we know about what happend between you guys and next week is Seungmin's Birthday so we wanted to surprise him with inviting you to us... if it is okey with you because we know that it will be hard."

Tea: "Are you sure that Seungmin wants to see me...?"

Hyunjin: "Why wouldn't he? He has been really down again lately so we thought that it would be a good idea..."

Tea: "Are you sure about all this I mean it is risky..."

Hyunjin: "I know that you have a 4 hour ride to come here and you will have to sneak in our dorm and all this stuff but if you are okey with these conditions then-"

Tea: "Hyunjin are you guys sure?"

Hyunjin: "We are more then prepared but hearing you ask like this gives me a feeling that you don't want this. I'm sorry if I disturbed you-"

Tea: "I'm in!"

Hyunjin: "Oh okey- WAIT YOU ARE?!"

A loud celebration could be heard from the background.

Tea: "Wait were the boys listening"

Hyunjin: "Ehm yes?"

Tea: "Hahahhaah you all are so adorable."


Tea: "Hahahahha cute, but how are you planning on doing this?"

Chan: "Okey so we will start by..."

And so Chan told what their plan was and went more into details later on.

[1 week later]

So today is finally the day I will meet Seungmin again. I couldn't sleep for the last 2 days because of how excited and worried I was. Why worried you ask? Well Seungmin and I just saw each other for less then a week and I was scared that he began thinking differently about me. But I guess we will find out today...

I packed the amount of things that I would need for exacly 1 week that I will be staying by the boys and of course his present and a few ones for the Members. Time went by so fast that it was already time for me to catch my train to Seoul.

{Skz POV}

Seungmin was getting his hair done while the other Members were eating in another room.

Minho: "Did you saw his face, I don't know if I should laugh or feel bad."

Felix: "He looked so sad when he didn't get a Happy Birthday message from Tea. He waited on his Phone for 2 hours. Poor Minnie..."

Chan: "Guys this is all part of the plan, just imagine him how happy he will be if he will get the whole package and not just a small Happy Birthday through the phone."

Felix: "You're right, he will be so happy hehehe. Even I am excited."

Seungmin came in the room.

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