Chapter 3

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[Jeongin's POV]

I was the only one who was awake

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I was the only one who was awake. It was 6am and the Sun just rose up. I put my earphones in and heard some music. After a while we arrived at our dorm. I stood up to wake the others up. First I woke Jisung  Hyung up who sat besides me and then the other Members. As I walked to the back of the bus to wake Seungmin Hyung up too he wasn't there. I turned around and looked at the other seat's infront of me. I thought that he maybe decided to sit in another seat but he wasn't there either. The other Members already left the bus but Chan Hyung was still there packing his stuff.

"Hyung! Were is Seungmin Hyung?!"

"He is in the back." He said and started packing his stuff again.

"NO he isn't!"

"What do you mean he isn't?"

Chan Hyung went to the back and realized that Seungmin Hyung isn't in the bus. He looked outside the bus door and asked the members if they saw Seungmin Hyung. But every member said that they didn't saw him. His face expression immediately changed. He sat down and took his phone out from his pocket. He called Seungmin Hyung. He holded his phone to his ear and a few seconds later a phone rang. It came from Seungmin Hyungs jacket.

"Hyung, he forgot his phone and his jacket in the bus!"

"Oh my, I'm going to kill this boy! WHY does he have a PHONE when he doesn't even take it with him!" He screamed.

"Hyung relax we are going to find him don't worry!" I tried to calm him down.

In that moment Hyunjin and Felix Hyung came in the bus.

"Hyung why are you screaming? Did something happened?"

Chan Hyung looked to the ground.

"Hyung tell us already! What happened?"

"Seungminie isn't in the bus."

"What do you mean he isn't in the bus?" Asked Hyunjin Hyung.

"I don't know he isn't here! It is impossible that he ran away that's why I think that we drove of without him while he went outside or something."

"Did you call him?!" Asked Felix Hyung.

"Yes but he forgot his phone here. I can't reach him."

"Aish this boy!" Said Hyunjin Hyung while leaving the bus to search for the other Members.

"I'm going to call the police." Said Felix Hyung and went outside too.

Chan Hyung looked so worried.

"Hyung don't worry we will find him." I said.

"I'm such an bad Leader. I'm supposed to take care of you all but what did I do? I didn't paid enough attetion and accidentally forgot one of you. Outside, alone in the darkness. It must have been cold for him I hope that he is okey." He said with a sad voice.

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