Chapter 12

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"Ugh Seungmin I will miss you so much I don't know how I will be able to forget you...."

I felt two hands from behind grabing my waist.

"Good Morning Tea."

I cupped his face which was over my Shoulder.

"Good Morning Seungminie."

"It smells delicious. But you should have woken me up so I could help you."

"I couldn't dare to wake you up you just were so cute. Also I washed your Clothes they are clean again so you can have a good fresh ride home."

"Hahahaha thanks..."

"Seungmin don't be sad you must be happy you can see your Members again."

"Are you saying that I should be happy that I am going?"

"Ofcourse not Seungmin but we can't change anything about it either, so let's make the best out of our last 2 hourse."

"Your right..."

After we finished breakfast we just sit there again saying not much. I was smiling but my inside broke down like glass which is falling down to the ground. Tears formin in my eyes, wanting to fall down.... no I can't be selfish I can't let my happiness come before other people's life, Seungmin's life.

"Hey, Seungmin I am going to the Bathroom I will be right back then we can start packing your stuff okey?"

"Sounds good." He smiled.

I went to the Bathroom and immediately started crying. Holding my hands infront of my mouth so sounds couldn't escape.

[Seungmin's POV]

The moment she left for the Bathroom my Tears were unstoppable. My hands covering my face and wiping away my Tears, my emotions broke out. Tea can't see me like this she would feel even more worse.

[Tea's POV]

After calming myself I wiped away my tears, washed my face and did my hair again. I have red eyes now but it isn't that visible. I opened the door hearing Seungmin's heavy breathing like he... was... crying....

My legs were shaking but I still ran to him, hugging him really tight.

"Seungmin don't cry.... please..." I said while tearing up myself.

"Tea.... I don't want to leave..."

"Don't be like that Seungmin.... please..."

"We have 30 minutes left, Seungmin we need to pack your stuff."

"Okey..." He stood up while wiping away his Tear.

[20 Minutes later]

Both of us calmed down while packing his stuff slowly.

"Seungmin I will see you on Television, I will watch all your shows and videos. I will like every picture that you will post and write you everyday where I ask you how you are. So I have a lot of Material from you don't worry." I laughed and also did Seungmin a little bit.

"Oh was that a smile I saw Seungminie?" I smiled.

He stood up and hugged me again.

"Seungmin look at me."

He lifted his Head from my shoulders and placed his face near mine.

"Seungmin I can come and visit you sometimes you know. Maybe it would be a little bit difficult because of the distance and my work and of course yours but we can do it. Also we can call each other so much we will not even have a chance to miss each other."


"Of courseee!"

We looked at each other for what seemed like minutes. You know what this is the only chance I can show Seungmin that I really like him.

We both looked at each others lips. A little afraid but slowly we came closer inch by inch. Just as we wanted to kiss...


My phone rang, great.


"Wait Seungmin I think it's Minho. Here talk to him."

"Yes Hyung?"

"Seungminie we are 5 minutes away come outside when you are ready."

"Yes I will, also thank you for destoying the moment, see you in a bit."


"Nothing Hyung I will go get ready now."

"Yap bye can't wait to see you."

"Neither do I bye~"

[Call ended]

"Wow the timing was 'perfect' hehe." I said to break the silence.

"Yeah my Members are perfect in such timings..." seungmin said while looking a little awkward but it was so cute.

"Let's grab your bag and go to the front door shall we?"

We went to the door.

"Seungmin I have a present for you."

"Oh you didn't need to."

"Then I will keep it."

"Nooo" •-•

"Just close your eyes and give me your right hand cutie." I laughed.

I put a little box on his hand.

"Now open your eyes."

Seungmin opened his eyes and saw two matching rings.

"I wasn't sure if I should buy them cause they are mostly for couples but at least we have something connecting us together right?"

"Tea I love it thank you so much."

(An example of how it could look like)

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(An example of how it could look like)

"Tea should I put yours on your finger?"

"Sure." I blushed.

After putting the ring on my finger and on his we looked at each other again. Coming closer and closer and-

[Door Ring]

"Omg really?!" He opened the door.

"Hi Minho, Woojin and Chan Hyung could you guys give me 2 minutes thank you."

He closed the door again and...

Kissed me...


Annyeong!💚 Did you like this Chapter? Then don't forget to vote down left and share it with your friends that would like this story too.^^♡ Also sorry for the slow updates school is stressing me out like hell! I hope to see you again in the next Chapter too!><💚 Thank you for Reading and take Care💚

Also just a side note, today Stray Kids performed just 3 ourse from me but I couldn't go I am so angry and sad like I just want to see them once.... ㅠ-ㅠ

And if you didn't saw or knew already I have a Stray kids fan account called @straykids_season I post there many things about them and other groups too so I would appreciate when you would check it out><💕 Thank youu💚

See you in the next chapter! Byeee~♡

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