Chapter 20

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All of a sudden a voice was calling out for her.

Minho: "Tea? Is that you?"

He came to the bench and sat down next to Tea.

Minho: "I love this park you know... when I feel down I always come here and look at the view. Not many people know this place so it's really peacefull and quiet. What a coincidence that you are here."

Tea: "My legs started hurting so I just sat down on the next bench I found... It's really pretty here, I really like it"

Minho: "How are you feeling? That hurt really bad huh?"

Tea: "It did..."

Minho: "Aren't you cold?"

Tea: "I don't feel anything right now..."

Minho took his jacket of and put it on Tea.

Minho: "It's getting colder now and your shirt is wet from your tears, you might get a cold."

Tea: "But y-you will get-"

Minho: "It's fine no worries... I'm not cold right now. By the way I hope you didn't get me wrong. I was only just being comfortable around you and didn't intend on doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable! I would never try to steal you away from Seungmin..."

Tea: "I know I was also just having fun but apparently it looked like something else..."

The tears in Tea's eye kept on coming again. Minho carefully guided her head on his shoulder so she could cry without him seeing her. A little while later she stopped crying again but her head was still on his shoulder.

Tea: "Thank you Minho... you really didn't deserve this I am sorry..."

Minho: "It's really not your fault. Seungmin just loves you too much. He wants this relationship to work out and gets jealous easily... He really did hurt me with his words but I know that he doesn't mean it personal and that he would react the same with any other Member."

Tea: "Wow I wish everyone would be like you..."

Minho: "I'm special, no one could replace me"

Tea: "And here we go again hahahaha"

Minho: "Smiling looks better on you so just smile over that idiot, he will eventually become himself again don't worry."

Tea: "Thank you Minho really... I appreciate- huh?"

Minho: "What happened?"

Tea: "Was that a flashlight?"

Minho: "A flashlight?"

Tea looked behind her were the light came from but no one was to be seen.

Tea: "Yes it was something like a flashlight..."

Minho: "It's probably the streetlight or something"

Tea: "Oh you could be right, nevermind then..."

[20 minutes later]

Minho: "Do you want to go back to the Dorm or would you like to stay outside longer?"

Tea: "To be honest I don't even know, I don't want to see him right now and if he still thinks that you and me are... you know flirting or something he probably doesn't want to see me or wants me in his house eighter..."

Minho: "I will not let you alone don't worry, it's really dark outside right now. And don't think about what Seungmin wants but about what you want. When you don't want to see him you can stay in my room, I will sleep in the living room of course."

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