Chapter 21

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It was a little after 3am when suddenly Seungmin came into Minho's room. He walked to the bed were Tea was sleeping and slowly layed himself next to her. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a backhug. He started crying but held himself back so he wouldn't wake her up. Suddenly Tea turned around and gave him a hug. He buried his head in her chest and was now crying without holding back.

"I-Im sorry!"

Tea didn't say anything but just caressed his hair.

"I'm an idiot and I don't deserve you or Minho hyung... I cried non-stop after I came to my senses but it was too late then... please f-forgive me..."

[Tea's POV]

I'm not going to lie my heart broke into little pieces... I felt like crying too, I did but I held myself back. I was still mad, I was still disapointed in what he did and nothing can justify his actions but at the same time he showed me that he really cared about me... He showed that he loved me in a really bad way, by breaking hearts and a friendship but he still showed it. And even when I can forgive him I don't know if Minho can...

"I am so so sorry... I swear that I'm not going to do this again! I will always make you happy... I could punch myself for making you cry! I'm sorry please forgive me!..." He was still crying...

I think he learned his lesson... I feel bad for letting him literally beg me to forgive him but he kind of deserves it...

"Hey look at me" I said.

He looked at me with his teary eyes and in that moment I knew that he was feeling really bad too.

"I love you..." I gave him a kiss and hugged him again.

I felt him hugging me harder.

"Thank you, I love you too..."

We both eventually fell asleep after cuddling.

[The next Morning]

I woke up but Seungmin wasn't next to me anymore. I stood up and went inside to look for him. I saw him in the kitchen, probably making some breakfast.

Seungmin: "Oh good morning baby!" He came and hugged me.

Tea: "Good morning" I hugged him back.

In that second his facial expression changed from happy to sad.

Tea: "What happened?"

Seungmin: "You didn't call me Minnie..."

Tea: "Oh yeah I forgot..."

He cupped my face and looked me in the eyes for a few seconds.

Seungmin: "I will make it up to you, so that you get comfortable enough to call me by my nickname again... I don't expect you to forgive me so fast, so take your time okey?"

I'm not going to lie I still feel disappointed towards him because he didn't trust me but I hope with time this will also go away...

Suddenly Chan came inside.

Chan: "O-oh sorry I didn't want to interrupt you guys I'm-"

Tea: "Oh no no! We were just talking that's it."

Chan: "Tea did you f-forgive him?"

Seungmin: "Hyung!"

Chan: "Sorry but it's your fault!"

Tea: "Hahahaha well yeah I guess I did."

Chan: "Omg that's good to hear! We were all very worried! But what about Minho...?"

Seungmin: "I'm going to talk to him today, I didn't had the chance to yet..."

Chan: "Oh I see, it will not be easy though..."

Seungmin: "Yeah I know..."

Chan: "What about we eat some breakfast huh? I will wake the members up!"

Seungmin: "Sure, I'm almost done."

Chan gathered up the boys and they all started eating. Minho was always sitting infront of Seungmin but today he was sitting on the farest seat away from him. There was still a little bit of tension but it was definetly better then yesterday...

Jisung tried to open up a conversation and it kinda worked but the tension quickly build itself up again.

Jeongin: "I will turn the TV on, the tension here is killing me..."

Everybody looked at Jeongin, shocked from his honesty.

Tea: "Woah Maknae on Top indeed!'

Everybody laughed, even Minho who tried hard to not show any emotions.

News: "Now let's come to the latest dating scandal that accured last night!"

Hyunjin: "Oh no these reporters really don't miss anything huh?! Poor Couple, I hope that their fans will not hate them for that..."

Changbin: "Pshhh I want to know who it is!"

News: "They were caught in the park at night, trying to stay as hidden as possible. Its is none other then Lee Know from the famous Kpop Boy Group Stray Kids with a female we could not identify yet!"

Minho spit out his food and Chan his water. Everyone was shoked and didn't really realize what just happened.




A photo was shown on the TV. It was a little bit dark but you could still see two people's back sitting on a bench.

Tea: "But Minho that is definetly you and a girl next to you..."

After looking a little closer Tea started coughing.

Seungmin: "Are you okey?!"

Minhos eyes started getting bigger. In that moment he also realized who that person next to him was.

Chan: "Minho who is that girl?!?"

Minho: "I-it's...


Annyeong! Did you like this Chapter? Then don't forget to vote down left and share it with your friends that would like this story too.^^♡ Sorry for the weird cut in the story but I want you to be more curious about what happens next hehehehe:3 AND WE ARE ALMOST FINISHED WITH THIS STORY?! There will be two Chapters and then this journey will be over ;-; I hope to see you again in the next Chapter too!>< Thank you for Reading and take Care💚

And if you didn't saw or knew already I have a Stray kids fan account called @straykids_season I post there many things about them and other groups too so I would appreciate when you would check it out><💕 Thank youu💚

See you in the next chapter! Byeee~♡

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