Chapter 11

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"I can't too!"

"Wha- What?"

She started crying again.

"Tea what do you mean?"

"I like you too okey! We only know each other for a few days but I feel secure next to you. You were the only one who listened to me and didn't let me feel alone. But knowing that you will be going tomorrow breaks my heart into pieces. Even if I would have kissed you back, what does it matter it would just break us even more. You will be gone by tomorrow that's it, that is the sad truth."

"Tea I didn't thought that far it was stupid of me...."

I hugged her even tighter now...

"Tea look at me please."

She looked up with her tearing eyes. I wiped her falling tear away with my thumb.

"Seungmin I am sorry that I was so selfish. I just lost more precious time with you..."

"You were not, I was, for not controlling myself..."

"Tea I really like you but I don't know what to do now..."

"I like you too Seungmin and neither do I."

I layed down with her in my arms and just closed my eyes. Her head on my chest and arms around me we just layed there in silence. Even though we didn't speak we both knew that a relationship between us would be too painful. We couldn't see each other because of the distance and I also need to travel to other countries for Concerts. A few of my fans would turn into haters because of me having a girlfriend, it would effect the hole group and ofcourse Tea too I can't risk that.
It would kill us both slowly, we just can't.....

"Seungmin it is 6p.m. should we do something before our last day ends..."

"How about staying her, I will cook for you and we will just cuddle and enjoy our last hourse together."

"Sounds like a plan but I want to cook with you Seungmin. I don't want to lose more time."

"Let's go."

We went to the kitchen and just enjoyed every moment we had together...

We went to the kitchen and just enjoyed every moment we had together

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I made us some pancakes and Tea made us some Coffee. (What an Ironic pun XD sorry back to the Story)

We sat down just talked about random stuff. Like why I wanted to become a Singer or what or hobbies are. I also talked about the Members because Tea seemed like she doesn't know much about Stray Kids. She looked really interested though and learned everything about each member, the names, position, birthdays and so on. But she seemed a little bit more interested in Hyunjin then the other members which made a little jealous but it was probably nothing.

"Seungmin I will miss you so much..." she said with puppy eyes.

"I will miss you too Tea..."

We just stared at each other putting or hands together on the table.

Stray Kids Seungmin - Coincidence or Fate?Where stories live. Discover now