Chapter 7

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[Seungmin's POV]

After talking a little bit about random things I just needed to ask her why she cries at night

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After talking a little bit about random things I just needed to ask her why she cries at night. Maybe I am going to far by asking her but I just have an unease feeling about this.

"Hey Tea, I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"I really don't know if I should ask you this. You don't need to answer this if you don't want to okey?"

"Seungmin you are making me curious now just ask and I will find a answer to tell you." She smiled.

"Uhm okey, I wanted to ask you if you know that you are crying while you are sleeping...."

"Yeah I do..." Her face suddenly become a little sad.

"Can I ask why?"

"I actually wanted to tell you at the Cafe we were at the other day. I also wanted to thank you for not draging me to the Cinema. I think you have the right to know because you were the one who held my company when I needed it and calmed me down at night when I cried.

"You noticed that?" I asked her shocked cause she was sleeping or not?

"Yeah I did and I also heard you singin for me too... Thank you it really helped me."

"Oh you really heard that..."

"The reason I cry while I am sleeping is because I dream of the worst day I had when I was a little Child. Every single day I woke up with tears running down my face. So I started to take some Medicine that prevented me from dreaming. But the last couple of days I forgot to take them that's why I started dreaming of that day again..."

Her eyes started forming tears and she started playing with her finger nervously. She didn't look at me but down. As a single tear ran down her face I wiped it off with my thumb and holded her hand.

"Tea you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I looked at her sadly.

"No... it's okey I want to tell you."

"Take your time."

"We were a happy family, Me, my Mom and my Dad. I would have soon a little baby brother too cause my Mom was 7 Months pregnant. We went to the Cinema every Friday to watch some Movies. I couldn't be more happier that I have a loving and happy family. As we walked into the Cinema my parents wanted to buy some Popcorn but I didn't wanted to wait so I went to a toy section. Before I left I told them to call me when they are done." Tears started coming out of her eyes again.
"I am okey just some Tears don't mind them. So I told them to call me if they are done. I played with the toys for like 10 minutes and then I sat down on a chair and waited. I waited and waited but no one called me. I heard Screams so I started running there cause it came from the direction my Parents were. I ran there and saw a crowd formed around something. Some people started yelling: Call the police fast! And some other people started running behind a man with black clothes and...... blood on his hands. I pushed myself through the crowd and saw my.... parents lie there with....... blood. The man stabbed my Dad through his heart three times and my mum through her belly.... five times. The man killed my parents just because his Girlfriend was pregnant with another mans baby..... I am sorry I can't-" She bursted out with tears.

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