kiss away your insecuritys.

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Andy pov

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Andy pov.

I sat In my car about to pick up my boyfriend to go out for dinner.

Me and Y/n, my boyfriend, have been dating for almost two years. we met at warped tour. I was preparing for my performance and was feeling really nervous so I took a breather away from the venue. that's when I saw him. he was by the edge of the gate by himself with his earphones in. I went over and asked what he was listing to. when he saw it was me he was speechless. he told me he was listing to 'Devils Choir'. I couldn't stop the blush and we introduced ourselves. we had been talking for about 10 minutes and I completely forgot about the performance. the Tour manager had to come and find me. he rushed me onto the stage before I could say goodbye to Y/n. I apologised to the crowd and the band and started the show. just as we were finishing I saw Y/n at the edge of the crowd cheering us on. when we finished I made sure to catch Y/n before he left. he told me how much he enjoyed the show. I immediately invited him to come out with the band. he said yes and we all went out for drinks. the Band all loved him from the begining. later that night I gave him my number and drove him home since I hadn't been drinking that much. when I dropped him off he asked if we would hang out the next day, I said yes. we went to the beach since it was such a hot day. I wore just some shorts while he wore jeans and a baggy shirt. when I asked him if he wanted to go in the water he said he really didn't want to. I managed to get him in up to his waist but he didn't take off his shirt or jeans. i didnt ask why but when I dropped him of at home later that night one of his brothers was also coming home. when I went to drive away they stopped me. they asked if I was Y/n's new friend, which I said yes to. they told me about Y/n when he was younger and how he never really had any friends. they also told me how insecure they get. I finally understood why he didn't get changed at the beach. I asked if I could go inside To y/n and they let me. I went to his room and found him looking in his mirror wearing some swimming trunks with a sad look on his face. I went inside and asked him what was wrong. he was surprised I was inside but told me how embarrassed he felt wearing the shorts. he apologied for acting like a baby and not wearing but I just hugged him. later that night we kissed and got together. we've been dating ever since.

I dial my boyfriends number and wait for him to pick up. After a few seconds I hear his sweet voice.

"Hey, Andy." he greets quietly.

"hey, baby. that's me coming to pick you up now. I can't wait to see you" I say smiling.

"Yeah, uhh, Andy. I-I don't think I can make it tonight" I frown a little. I had arranged for us to go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. they have been full for the past month and they had a last minute cancellation and called me right away. I booked the table and got suits for me and Y/n to wear tonight.

"is everything okay, baby? are you sick?" I ask, suddenly worried for my lover.

"sort of. I just don't feel that I can make it. I'm really sorry, Andy. I-I got to go." he makes a choking sound like he's crying but tries to cover it up.

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