Coming Out.

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Y/N pov

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Y/N pov.

I stand outside Andy biersack's house wearing some blacks skinny jeans, a hoodie and my boots. I almost stop myself from knocking but I know I need to be here.

Me and Andy met about a year ago. I'm a roady for Black Veil Brides, my favourite band. I won a competition for a three month long tour trip with them. Helping backstage and getting them stuff, after the three months all the guys became my best friends and offered me a job. I said yes and I've been working with them since. I've always been pretty emo. I wear black, wear makeup, paint my nails. All the things guys 'shouldnt do'. I couldn't care less. Anyway, over the last few weeks I've notice my attraction towards the main singer of the band. Andy. Even his name makes me smile. We've always been the closest in the group. We would often spend our free time cuddling on the couch watching Netflix. We always end up with one of us falling asleep and the other carrying them to bed. I've always been a little attracted to men but Andy made me certain. I mean, fucking look at him.

I clear my throat before shakily knocking on the door. A few seconds pass before the door swings open revealing Andy.

"y/n, hey" he greets. "come on in"

"thanks" I step inside and close the door behind me.

"so, what brings you here? Miss me?" he teases. I chuckle lightly, he always makes me laugh.

"in your dreams." he let's out a fake dramatic gasp.

"NU-Uh. My dreams are about me and Batman fighting crime through the night. But yeah, I've had that dream too" he grins. I laugh to myself and look up at him since he's a little taller than me.


"you want something to eat? I fixed my microwave" he says. He broke his microwave trying to make a joker action figure explode. When he opened it the plastic had a bunch of air bubbles so when they popped they went everywhere. I help him clean the kitchen for the next 3 hours. We played music and ended up dancing around as we cleaned.

"how did you fix it?"

"...i bought a new one" he says sheepishly. I laugh and run my hand through my hair.


"anyway, what can Chef Andy get ya" he asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"nothing, I just had a McDonald's." his face falls.

"you didn't call me" he pouts.

"i needed chicken nuggets, plus, i got you something to make up for it" his eyes light up and he watches as i reach for my hoodie pocket. "close your eyes"

he coveres his eyes with one hand but peaks through his fingers.

"Andy!" he chuckles and closes them propely. i pull the plushie from my pocket and hold it in front of his face. "open them"

Andy biersack xMale! reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now