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Andy pov

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Andy pov.

a pained whimper escapes my lips as I lim through the forest. I was still in my wolf form with many scratches all over my body and a bite would in my front leg.

your probably wondering why happened. basically, I'm a werewolf and got separated from my pack when we went hunting. we were chasing a stray deer in the woods when I got detracted by a wolves howl. thinking it was one of the pack who got lost, I followed it to a clearing. when I got there I was ambushed by four smaller wolves who looked bloodthirsty. I knew I wouldn't beat them all - especially since I hadn't eated that much the last few days, hence the hunting. I tried to make myself bigger than I was by raising my back and spreading my legs apart but they weren't intimated. Two of them attacked me from behind while the others watched in amusement. once they had roughed me up the main wolf started snapping at me but I fought back. I went for the three followers first and ran them into trees until they knocked themselves unconscious. with only one left I was still injured. instead of fighting I howled for the back but nobody heard. I tried to signal my location but got cut off my the Wolf pouncing on me and biting into my leg. I howled in pain and managed to get him off me. I was bleeding badly and it hurt every time I moved but I managed to snarl at him until the pack found me. they attacked the wolves while I ran off. I wasn't being a coward I needed to get away from them or else I would get caught up in the fight as well and Im afraid I might not make it out of their alive with my state.

Anyway, its been about an hour and I'm growing weaker by the second. I've never been to this part of the forest before but I knew it was close to the humans.

Me and the pack own a few cottages in the middle of the forest but go into town for shopping and work and stuff but we try keep our distance to protect our secret.

I climbed up a steep hill with weak pants and look through the bushes and see a small road leading onto a street lit my lampposts.

I frown and come out of hiding. it was really dark so I assumed nobody would see me.

all the houses were quiet with dark windows apart from the end house. there was a blue jeep in the driveway which I could easily steal and drive home but I can't shift in public.

I look at my stomach when I hear a hungry grumble. I huff and think about where I could get some food.

I spot an open bin by the house and stagger over. I smell some tyoe of meat, Chicker or maybe beef.

I try reach up with my snout but can't get too far with my sore paw. I whine and nudge it over with my forehead.

After a few tugs it falls right over. I freeze for a second at the loud clang of metal against concrete but when nobody notices I dig my snout in the bag.

it twitches at the many, many smells inside. there was some old clothes, empty shampoo bottles and leftover food.

I grumble hungrily when I find the chicken. I pull it out ans start chewing the meat off the wings. there wasn't much but enough to sustain my hunger for a little while.

Andy biersack xMale! reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now