request-the car accident.

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this is my first request on this book. it is by the amazing EmoOtakuGirl1. thank you so much for the idea, I hope you like it. go follow them and enjoy.
this was their request-


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Y/n pov.

I walk through the street holding my boyfriend, Andys hand while sharing a bag of caramel popcorn.

Me and Andy met two years ago. I was  in a music store looking for a new guitar since I play a lot of music. Andy was also in the shop looking through the wide selection of Vinyls and LP's the shop sold. he was looking through the 'classic Rock' section which was only a few foot away from the small room filled with instruments. I had picked up a black and red electric guitar and started playing some chords. I accidentally started playing my own song called 'Determine' (by Lemonade Mouth) I didn't realise but I was actually singing my own lyrics. Andy had came over to where I was and watched from behind the door. when I finished I hear clapping. I put the guitar down and tried to leave as fast as I could but Andy stopped me. he told me how incredible my voice sounded and asked where I learned to play like that. I told him about how my parents owned a music shop years before I was born and so I was raised surrounded by music. he also commented on my bright blonde hair. i blushed and asked him if he was into any music. he named a few old and new bands that I surprisingly listen to. he offered to buy my chosen LP and he would play it on his music player and I could join him. I agreed and treated him to a Mcdonalds before we got their. I chose out 'Dookie by GreenDay' Andy smiled when he saw it. later that night we were having a full on concert in his house ending with a sleep over since it got so late. Andy offered for me to take his bed but I insisted it was fine. that conversation ended with both of us sleeping in his double bed. halfway through the night I woke up to him wrapping his arm around my waist and cuddling into me. I wasnt mad about it, in fact I snuggled into him too. in the morning he made us breakfast and apologised if he made me feel uncomfortable. I said it was fine and blurted that I liked it, and him. he was pretty confident and decided to kiss me. we got together that night and have been together ever since.

Andy biersack xMale! reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now