Skype Calls.

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Y/N pov

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Y/N pov.

I lay on my bed in my families caravan in the middle of a field trying to gain a reception to call my boyfriend, Andy.

Me and Andy have known eachother since high-school. We were the only emos in the school, I was bullied but Andy wasn't, due to his height and intimidating frame. He would often stand up for me against the bullies. I would often find myself in parks late at night alone listing to my music. Sometimes Andy would join me. We would sit there for hours talking and sharing music then he would walk me home. I developed a crush within about a month. I tried to ignore it but it wouldn't fucking go away. I was walking home from school one evening when Andy ran up to me and kissed me unexpectedly. He said he'd liked me for ages and wanted to take me on a date. He arranged for us to go see 'Paramore' my favourite band. On the date we met Hayley Williams. Since we were holding hands she thought we were dating and joking asked if she could come to our wedding. We laughed it off and got ice cream on the way home. Andy let me sleep over at his house since my parents were out and he didn't want me being alone. That night we kissed and became a couple. We've been dating ever since.

I was on holiday with my parents and a few cousins a few hours away from home. I asked if Andy could come but there's no room.

"come on, come on, please work" I mutter while moving the areal around the small room.

My laptop flickers on making me cheer and place down the areal. I run back to my bed and open Skype.

I type in Andys username and press call. I wait a few seconds before he amswers.

I squeal happily when I see him in his bedroom wearing one of my Hoodies. He had a huge grin on his face.

"ANDY!" I accidentally yell but hope my family don't hear.

"BABY!" he says back. "I miss you so much. How are you?"

"im good, I miss you so much more. How are you?" I feel my heart flutter

"better now I'm talking with you, you were meant to call 10minutes ago. I got worried"

"sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry. But, I'm coming back in two days, then I can see you properly" I smile.

"I wish it was sooner" he pouts.

"or you could walk for two days straight and catch the drive back with us" I joke. He just laughs and reaches to his side and pulls a black and white checkered suitcase into the frame.

"I was planning on doing that when you first left but Jinxx said no" I watch him put it back down but just admire his georgouse face.

"I can't tell if there's a lag, or your just staring at me" he chuckles.

Andy biersack xMale! reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now