gif- dying your hair.

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y/n pov

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y/n pov.

i stand with Andy in the hair care section of our local shop trying to decide on a colour to dye our hair.

me and Andy have been a couple for six years. I help out in the band and videos and stuff and somehow the fans noticed me. I started doing little funny challenges with Andy and the band and there really famous.

last night me and Andy were cuddling and watching Batman when Andy said, completely out of the blue, 'we should dye eachothers hair'.

I agreed and now we're here at Walmart looking at hair products. I had my hand scratching the back of my neck as I looked at the many, many options.

"we could do blonde" I say picking up the bottle. Andy shakes his head and takes the bottle of dye and puts it back on the shelf.

"we did that a few months ago, remember? you looked so cute." Andy reminds me with a grin. I blush and slide my hand into his.

"well, what colours have we not done?"

"uhhh, Yellow, Pink, Blue, purple- I think?" he answers.

"I have an idea." I say as a plan formulates in my mind. Andy turns to me with a smile.

"yes, baby?"

"close your eyes." I instruct. he frowns a little but does it anyway. "okay, now spin 3 times"

He holds his arm out I front of him and spins. he laughs a little and steady himself I front of the Isle.

"great. now, put your hand out and pick a random colour without looking" he dosent say anything, he just reaches out and grabs a random bottle. he opens his eyes and grins.

"it's Purple" he cheers and looks at the bottle closely. he puts it in our basket which already had gloves, shampoo and some snacks inside. "your turn"

i close my eyes, spin 3 times and feel Andy cover my eyes with his hands. I shakily reach out and feel around for the hair dye. I grab one at random and pull back.

Andy moves his hands away and I see the bright blue bottle in my hands. I smile and turn to Andy.

He grins and puts his arms on my hips and draws me in for a kiss. I plnt my lips on his and close my eyes.

the kiss only lasts for a few seconds but left like heaven.

"let's go check out. I can't wait to see you with Purple hair." he says giving me a final peck before we go to the self scan area.


me and Andy have just finished setting up everything for the new video. we made sure the dye is properly prepared, we have gloves, we're wearing old shirts, we asked the fans to ask us questions before hand we set up the camera.

"okay, you ready, Baby?" Andy asks while running a hand through his hair.

"always." I reach forward and press play on my camera. "Hey, everyone. welcome back. as always in here with the Amazing Andy biersack."

"hiya" Andy waves at the camera with a grin.

"and today we will be dying our hair. again. to make it interesting we will also Answer questions you guys have asked us on Our Instagram." I explain briefly as Andy interlocks our fingers. "so, let's get going."

I turn to Andy with a smile

"who will start?" I ask.

"why don't we both do it at the same time?" he shrugs. I think for a sec and nod. "great. what's the first question?"

"let me get it up" I grab my phone and open Instagram. Andy gets a big gloop of Dye on his little brish thing and chose a stand of hair and starts applying the thick substance to it. when it touched my scalp I shiver at the coldness-despite doing this every few weeks.

I find the poll and read out the first question.

"here we go. you start, 'most embarrassing fact about Y/n?" I said and start applying the blue. it looked like a royal blue in the bowl but I knew it would wash out to be lighter.

"oooOoOh" he grins and thinks of a good enough story. "we'll, in your sleep, if I'm wearing jeans ans we fell asleep on the couch or I'm too lazy to change you usually crab my belt loops and just hold on. I needed a drink once and had to take yiu with me since you wouldn't wake up or let go."

"I didn't know I did that" I blush and hand Andy the phone.

"I did. it's adorable" he pecks my cheek and reads outloud. "who is your idol?"

"Andy Biersack" I say proudly. he 'awws' and gives me the phone. I put it down for a second and use my hands the get the dye onto every start and of Andys head. I hade sure I only did the underside of most of his hair so it's like his usual black with some blue through it. "what is my favourite food?"

"easy. Y/f/f" he takes my phone. "what is a song that always get stuck in your head that you need to share with me."

"weirdly, Say it ain't so by Weezer." I take the phone. "good one here, 'would you ever marry Y/n?"

Andy looks right into my eyes ans places his hands on my cheeks.

"a billion percent. as long as we can dye our hair rainbow"

"of corse."

"I love you"

"I love you more"



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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