my savior.

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Andy pov

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Andy pov.

I sit in my car with a few stray tears rolling down my face as I think back to a few weeks ago.

three week ago.

Im with my boyfriend, Y/n in school eating lunch at the dining tables. I was eating a burrito while he picked at his sandwich.

We have been dating for almost three years. we had a few classes together and I had a crush on him so I asked him out. he was surprised since I'm, as he put it 'Hot and Popular' but I told him I really liked him. he said yes and we went on a few dates before I asked him to be his boyfriend. I introduced him to my band and we spent everyday together. when he was sick I would look after him, when he needed to study for a test I would help him. the only issue was his parents. they knew he was gay and thought it would just go away. they have seen me at school for open days or parents Evening and hated me from the start. when Y/n went home he would get yelled at him just for being seen. withe but he always told me he could handle it. until today

"Baby, what's wrong? your not eating" I say, concern laced in my voice. he looks at me with a sad expression. "whats wrong? do I need to hit somebody, cause you know I will "

He chuckles weakly and shakes his head.

"it's nothing, Andy. it's fine." he smiles a little as the bell rings for class. he puts his lunch in the nearest bin and pulls on his messenger bag. I stand up too but watch him. "ill see you later, baby"

He leans over and kisses my cheek before making his way into the crowd of students.

Usually he let's me walk him to his classes. I frown a little and pull on my backpack. I decide to just head to class and talk to him later


I stand at the school doors waiting for Y/n. everyday after school I drive him home, or to mine. whichever he prefers.

It's been about 10 minutes and pretty much everyone is gone. I check my phone to see if he has messaged or called me but he hasn't.

I was about to go inside and look for him when he comes out with his earphones in and his hoodie hood up.

he dosent notice me and keeps walking but I gently grab his arm to stop him.

"Y/n" I say as he takes out an earphone.

"Andy, I thought you left." he says pulling down his hood and other earphone.

Andy biersack xMale! reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now