Don't lie, I already know...

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y/n pov

I was woken up by Darry who shook me lightly telling me dinner was ready. He said it was steak and I was immediately awake. I noticed soda below me sleeping against the couch and I reached down ruffling his hair waking him up. He looked up at me with his ocean like eyes I was propped up with one elbow still sliding my hand through his sleep matted hair.

"you know I could have done that y/n" darry exclaimed. I had forgotten he was standing there, and I quickly removed my hand from his hair. Soda was up at the smell of food and walked to the kitchen and brought me back a piece of steak and a potato. He had grabbed the same for himself and pony and johnny had joined us for dinner as well. Darry and pony were on good terms for once and everything was just grand.

We finished our dinner and by now it was at least 7 o'clock and we were all getting ready for bed when suddenly a knock on the door came. I stood up and walked to the door opening it to see none other than Sandy.

I crossed my arms and gave her the coldest stare. "what do you want?" I could only think of how soda was the day he came home. He was devastated, and I don't want to see that happen a second time. "I need to talk to soda" she announced. "no you don't." I said blocking her way in.

"Soda I know you can hear me, I missed you baby and I want you back please come back..." I heard someone stand up behind me and walk up to the door. "Soda thank heavens" She said. And I nearly lost it. He had a blank stare on his face that I couldn't decipher. "Sandy you need to get out of here."

I couldn't believe what Soda said he sounded like he was about to kill her. I didn't think he had that in em' what did he practice in the mirror or something?

"please soda.. I didn't mean what I did... I really didn't" He still stared at her. I was worried that he would believe this lying punk. "No sandy, what hurts worse than you cheating on me is you lying about it. I don't want to see you ever again. You need to leave before I send y/n on you and she won't hesitate." I smacked my hand to my fist replying, "it would be my pleasure" I was actually a little sad when she left... I didn't get to have my revenge.

Soda then walked outside on the porch and I could tell that it took a lot of gut to do what he just did. I followed him out and sat by him only saying, "hey" he looked at me before turning back forward watching the sun drop beyond the horizon.

"why did she have to show up now.. I saw her and I wanted to remember all the good times we had but I couldn't... all I could see was hatred and betrayal.." He looked down kicking a rock across the grass. "truth is I did want to believe that she changed, as much as I wanted to.. I knew she was lying." He looked at me a curious look on his face. "why aren't you saying anything?" I looked him in the eyes answering his question. "sometimes the best way to comfort is silence. The same as the best way to heal is to just talk" He smiled at me his first genuine smile I've seen since I woke up from my nap.

"y/n I don't know what I would do without you." I laughed when I thought of sodapop and his family without me being the peacekeeper. "you'd probably be drunk somewhere, I don't know." He chuckled at my response the sun has gone down now, and we are just sitting in the dark.

"come on it's getting late we should probably go inside." I said starting to stand. He caught my wrist pulling me back down, "wait, will you stay up with me... I don't think I'll be able to sleep." I messed up his hair again and promptly answered him, "of course carbonated water I'll stay up with you." He smirked at me and I ran through the door and into the living room.

He chased me all the way there catching me by the waist and spinning me around. I couldn't help but laugh. "hah now your inside I win" He laughed as he lifted me up and threw me onto the sofa. I sat up quickly and he sat down next to me. He threw his arm around my waist and I dropped my head into his shoulder. I didn't mean to do it but it just felt so right so I did. He grabbed a blanket that was draped over the arm rest and wrapped it around us.

"do you want to watch a movie?" He reached up and ran his hands through my shiny y/h/c, y/h/L (your hair length) hair. "No just stay here with me." I was very confused on what was going through soda's mind right now. Of course this was normal I mean I always sit with him on the couch like this, I mean we were best friends.. do best friends not do this?

I couldn't tell anymore what the boy wanted; all I know is that he might never do this again so by golly I was going to enjoy his warmth. He was just so warm all the time.

We sat there in nearly silence for hours before I looked up at him and he had fallen asleep with me still in his arms. It was the most angelic thing I had ever seen. I laid back down not wanting to wake him and minutes later I fell asleep to his steady breathing and soft snores.  

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now