Rumble Aftershock Part 1

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Soda's Pov

I found myself running out of the door staring shamelessly at my girlfriend Y/n. The way her (H/C) hair seemed to sparkle under the bright moon light. I knew that we would all come back from this with some nice battle wounds, and I swore to myself that I would protect her at all costs.

The soc's were going to be angry that we brought a girl, and they would not take pity on her.. I knew she could take care of herself but just thinking about those preppy Soc's laying even a finger on her made my heart pound. This is what she asked for I had to remind myself, but it didn't work.

I was so protective over her; she was mine and always would be. I didn't want to come off as overbearing so I kept my yapper shut. We practically ran to the place we were told to meet.

We met Tim and the others there, and they looked Y/n up and down and I grabbed her hand, "You brought a girl to the rumble, darlin' I hope you're a fighter."

"Oh don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." She said confidently to Tim. Two-bit and Steve were jumpin around hollering. We then heard tires screech and around the corner came cars filled with soc's "GREASERS" they would call at us until they were all out staring us down lined up.

I stood next to Strawberry, and she looked like she was sizing up each of the soc's seeing who she should pick off to start the fight.

One of the reeling drunks in the back yelled. "Look... the greasers brought a gift.." He called pointing at y/n I scowled before Dally came over and the fight began.

Of course it had to start raining, it always rains when you don't want it too. I got hit in the face before regaining momentum to punch the kid to the ground. I looked over to see y/n beating the drunk into the floor pounding his head down. I could here her saying, "Call me that again I dare you..."

I grinned before tearing a bigger guy off of Ponyboy throwing him to the floor. I flipped my collar up again, before elbowing a guy in the chest and hearing him spit blood onto the muddy ground.

The smell of rain and smoke fueled my ever-growing rage, and before I knew it the Soc's were running and the last of them that remained were being thrown around by one of us.

We all hollered once the last of them left. I walked over to y/n who was clutching her side by her ribcage, and she spit on the floor before wiping the blood off of her lip.

She looked at me before cheering screaming something at the leaving cars. I laughed and once the adrenaline started to die down, I felt all the pain in my face, sides and body.

We walked home all of us clinging to our sides or wherever it hurt. I had my arm around y/n as we walked for stability. Steve had a nice shiner, and we all had some sort of cut or bruise that proved our win. Pony had the worse of all of us with cuts and a pretty bloody face...

The kid needed to toughen up like the rest of us. Once we got into the house I noticed that my flannel that y/n stole was soaked in a blood and she was wobbling around before she fell onto the floor of the house.

I removed my shirt before lifting her tank top to find a deep laceration in her ribcage where she was holdin earlier. I called Darry over, and he nearly passed out before he ran into the bathroom and pulled out the first aid kit and running over to me.

"Here put this on the cut we have to get the blood to stop." I did as I was told watching the dark red liquid fall onto my hands. Darry removed her top the rest of the way before wrapping her torso in gauze to keep pressure on the wound.

"That should do it but to be safe we should probably take her to the clinic." I nodded my blood running cold as my heart was about to pound out of my chest. It was too deep to be caused by a hit alone, and I knew that meant that somebody pulled a blade on her, and I was about to go out and beat someone up before Darry stopped me. "don't do anything stupid.. She will need you once she wakes up Soda."

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