Get away from me... Part 2

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He told the girls that they had finished the simple oil change and they handed them his cash and she stood there like she expected something. He then smirked and turned to me pulling me dangerously close. He slipped his hand on my chin lifting it up so he could look into my eyes before kissing me.

I was surprised before I caught on to what he was pulling, and I snaked my arms around his neck kissing him back before he pulled away. He had his hands on my hips looking over to the girls who scoffed and walked away. They got into their car and drove off before he sighed a breath of relief resting our heads together only inches apart. "Sorry for pulling that on you, the girls started to scare me, they kept tellin me about all these placed that they have gone to uh.... Hook up... It was makin me uncomfortable." Soda said rubbing the back of his neck. "don't worry about it, I didn't hate it." I said placing a small peck on his cheekbone. "ye haw, you get is soda" I heard a voice call from behind a car.

A few seconds later I realize that Steve had seen the whole thing. My face turned bright red and without thinking I called, "So, Carbonated- I mean Soda I'll see you later right?" I turned to leave before he yelled. "w-wait, don't leave I don't need you gettin jumped... just stay." His face turned a light shade of pink and he touched his cheek where I had kissed him. I smiled and took a seat on the stool in the garage where I was seated previously.

He and Steve continued working as I watched. Every now and again Soda would look up at me and smile before goin back to what he was doin earlier. I loved the way his muscles flexed as he lifted tires, or the way he would roll himself under cars. Sometimes I think he didn't wear a shirt because he wanted to show off. I don't blame him either, if I was that fit I think I'd show off too. I also loved the way he cared for people, I just loved everything about him.

Time flew by as I either was called over to help, or taught how to maintain cars, and ran the register. I found myself spending more and more time at the DX. I was there about every time Soda had to work.

Before long we were cleaning up shop to leave for day. Again, Steve stayed behind to finish an old truck that wasn't firing right. It was just Soda and I walking home. We could have waited for Darry to come and get us, but it was just easier to walk.

I was so distracted by him that I didn't even notice him talking, I felt bad when I snapped back into reality and he called to me, "What are you thinking about, strawberry?" I looked up confused, "Huh, oh yeah." I looked away feeling my face get warm to the touch. "You"

He touched my shoulder turning me to face him. I ran my hand down the visible skin of his chest. He grabbed my wrist slippin his hand down interlocking his calloused hand with my small fingers.

I was curious of what was running through his head. He lifted my chin so he could gaze at me. "Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are?" I smiled at him like I had just received the best compliment of my entire life. "You did, just now" He pulled me close to him chuckling. Suddenly a I felt a cold drop fall onto my skin and I looked up to feel more drops tumbling from the sky.

After a few minutes it was a steady downpour, yet we didn't move. He just kept my gaze as he slicked back his rain-soaked hair. "I've always wanted to try this." He said before I could get a word in he brushed his lips against mine, pressing me against him from my waist.

I'm not gonna make it out to be something that it wasn't: it was perfect—Soda's soft lips against the bite of the sugary Coke still on our tongues. I did more than just not stop him, I kissed him back.

I have fantasized about this for the longest time, and it was exactly like the romance novels that I read as a young teen. Bittersweet love, and the smell of his cologne, mixed with the aroma of the rain around us soaking our clothes to where they stuck to the skin.

He broke the kiss and everything went oddly quiet. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi


We kiss again but this time it was a kiss from the soul, I reached my hand up tangling it into this hair to deepen the kiss. He broke the kiss panting softly shuddering not from the cold wetness of the rain but from the light touch of my hand exploring not even realizing I did it.

I drew him back toward me with my eyes, he inclined his face toward mine and lay his mouth on mine, which was like a freshly split-open fig. for a long time I kissed him, and Soda was filled with deep astonishment as I taught him how wise I was, how I ruled him, put him off, lured him back... each one different from the other, still awaiting him. Breathing deeply, he remained standing and at this moment he was like a child astonished by the abundance of knowledge and things worth learning opening up before his eyes.

Ponyboy opened the door to the house not realizing how long he had been standing there ran back into the house screaming, "TWO-BIT YOU OWE ME A DOLLAR" Which He then smiled against my lips lightly pecking before saying, "You know I have wanted to do that for the longest time." I giggled realizing that we were about to get teased once we walked through the door. "so have I honestly, now I can say my first kiss was in the rain." He chuckled kissing my forehead muttering one last, 'your so beautiful' before we walked inside. Before we did Soda shrugged off his DX shirt wringing the water before throwing it over his shoulder and walking inside.

We walked in and the boys were inside gambling, and once we walked in two-bit laughed before the gang were yelling at each other, stuff like 'I told you so' and 'pay up I win.'

This was a normal greaser thing, instead of trying to get two people to get together or something we would bet to see how long it takes before certain stages happen, like 'talkin stage' or 'just more than friendzone', 'cuddle bugs' or other things. It was quite fun, and I make bets on people all the time.

"Oh hey, Soda" Darry said to us, "and hey Y/n" Darry wasn't mad at us for staying outside in the rain for nearly thirty minutes sucking faces? He didn't even care we were soaking wet?  

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