Didn't I say no drinkin'?!

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Soda's pov

I told her not to drink, and here she is reeling on the couch after drinking. I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep; this is my fault... She could barely blurt out a sentence, and I knew how it felt for someone to tell you something that you didn't want to here but now you can't get out of your head, so you resort to drinkin.

She had fallen asleep on the couch and would have spilled the water if I didn't take it from the girl. I knew she was going to have the worst hangover in the morning, and I was going to be the one that had to take care of her.

I watched her most of the night to make sure she didn't get sick or wake up not knowing where she was 'cause alcohol can do that to you. I felt a cold chill run down my spin as I looked to the source of the cold, I noticed she had opened a window.

She probably won't remember anything in the morning, I stood up from where I was on the floor and reached over to close the window. As soon as I did y/n opened her eyes looking up at me. "go back to sleep doll."

She closed her eyes again rolling onto her side falling asleep.

At some point I fell asleep to, and we both awaited morning to come.  

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now