Hungover and wanting more...

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y/n pov

I awake to my head pounding feeling like its own pulse. Soda was asleep on the floor and I wondered when he came out here. I felt so sick and would probably spend most of my time in the bathroom.

Why did I think it was a good idea to drink last night?

My muscles ached, and my head felt like there was nothing inside it, nothing at all. He woke up sitting up looking at me, "Hey love, you feel any better?"

I gave him a half smile, "I'm alright, just don't feel good." He got up from the floor and walked to the cupboard grabbing a bottle of probably Aspirin, pouring it into his hand.

He came back handing me a glass of water, and dropped the chalky pills into my hand. I stared at the pills groaning at the fact that I was going to have to take them. "Gosh y/n, don't be a baby, they're not that big." I gave him a look before quickly swallowing them down. I hate taking pills they are nasty, I can never swallow them, and I just hate them.

"Oh no..." He said softly. "What, what happened?" I called getting nervous because he had just handed me the pills. "I have to go... I work in like ten minutes I'll be back later, pony doesn't have school he will keep an eye on you while I'm gone okay sweetheart?" I nodded a sigh of relief flooding my voice.

I watched curiously as he ran around the house picking up his stuff and grabbing his shoes before he ran out of the house. Pony came in the room looking at me, "You are doing, okay?" He asked. I assumed he didn't know why I was here and not going with Soda. "Yeah, I just don't feel good." He nodded, "Soda told me to keep an eye on you, I'll be reading in my room call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, ponyboy." I said before I laid back down falling asleep.  

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now