Rumble aftershock Part 2

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I smiled, "It was no problem sir." He shook my hand, "Please call me David." He said and I knew that her father had turned over a new leaf, he wanted to change, and he did it for her.

She invoked that change in people, I have seen it in me, and I have seen it in everyone she talks to. She makes everyone want to see the good in life and bring out the best of everyone.

She made everyone feel young, an appreciated and I don't know how she does it. "Seriously if you need anything at all feel free to ask." I thanked him before picking up y/n's bag carrying it out to the car. She smiled at her father before we headed back to my house again.

Y/n went to my closet unpacking her things and hanging up her clothes next to mine. Her father must have been sober when we talked to him, and he was still the same man when he was drunk.

She crouched onto the floor crying. "Hon? Are you okay?" She looked up at me, "he was lying, he didn't want to change, he told me he was angry with my decision and that I should never go back into his house as long as he had custody."

I picked her up off the ground, "I'm so sorry y/n." I sobbed as I hugged her tightly. "You're safe now, nothing will ever hurt you as long as you're here, okay?" I said to her trying to calm myself down, for some reason seeing her cry makes me cry. She continued to cry as I held her, and for an unknown answer to why my brain blurted, "I love you y/n." she stopped her crying looking at me confused before saying, "I love you too, Sodapop Curtis."

My heart started to beat wildly as my name slipped off her tongue. I pulled away from the hug kissing her. I don't know what had gone through me, but it felt like a bolt of lightning slamming through my body; I never wanted to let y/n go.

I ran my hands from her waist up her warm back before they found her hair as I slowly ran my hands through her shiny h/c locks. She was stunning, no she was absolutely beautiful, I struggled to find a good description of the love of my life as she kissed me back.

I picked her up setting her down on my bed gently, careful not to break the contact, I lifted her chin so I could get a better angle as she gently parted her lips to me. She tasted sweet like the summer breeze. It was probably her coke that was so intoxicating as I smelled her gentle perfume that she always wore.

I laid her down on my bed climbing on top of her supporting myself above her. I broke the kiss saying, "say it again." She smiled at me before exclaiming, "I love you." I kissed her forehead, "again" she again, said "I love you so much" I kissed her cheek as I whispered the command against her jaw. "I love you more than the cool wetness of a rainy day."

I kissed down her jaw finding my way back to her lips as she shuddered at the contact. I didn't kiss her, yet I just hovered over her quivering lips, "I love hearing you say that." She whispered, "come here," before she closed the gap between us.

"Soda where is my-" Pony started as he opened the door, he quickly laughed before yelling, "DARRY YOU BETTER COME SEE THIS" Ponyboy said as he ran out of the room. Instead of just Darry coming in, the whole gang for some reason came in as well. I got off of y/n, putting my arms in the air, "you got us." She laughed as she sat up as well.

"OH BOY, look what we have here." Two-bit called and steve yelled, "oh hello Mr Universe, and lady friend." Johnny pretended to gag before pony laughed and they left the room.

Darry acted like he wiped a tear, "My little boy is all grown up." That was something that I was not prepared to hear from my older brother, I thought he would be screaming at how irresponsible that was and how I shouldn't do that because it could go to far. "I'm proud of you buddy." Steve said as he slapped my shoulder. "and for you y/n..." Two-bit said in an annoyed tone, "You get it girl." I wasn't expecting that. Either everyone is seriously drunk, or they really just don't care.

The gang laughed before leaving the room. "Be careful with y/n's stitches she just got them, and I don't want to go to back to the hospital today." Darry called and I had forgotten. She shrugged before getting up from the bed fixing the wrinkles in her top.

"where are you going?" I said to her she smiled and shrugged, "Pon, killed the mood..." I laughed before grabbing her wrist pulling her closer to point of almost kissing her before grinning softly. "you wanna go get something to eat." She flicked me in the forehead, "come on loser you had me at food." I rubbed my head where it stung.

Both y/n and I walked out of the room to the gang just being idiots as usual. If you have to ask what exactly they are doing, you don't want to know. Usually something involving beer, chocolate cake, and mickey mouse.

"I'M BACK" dally exclaimed as he threw open the front door. "look who finally got out of the cooler." Steve said as he walked in. "Well, what did I miss." He said and I turned around and acted busy. Most of the gang either sighed or gave a look of 'too much, where do I even start'. Dall nodded and knew he would find out sooner or later as he walked to the kitchen.

"What are you two up too?" y/n and I looked up at him and she said, "Eating food what does it look like?" he rolled his eyes before going back into the other room. "Does he know about us?" She asked and I shook by head. I would tell him myself, but he is way to protective of y/n.

"Dall, how did you get into the cooler this time?" She called as she stole food off of my plate. I scowled at her before he continued, "I got into a fight with Tim Shepard and some Socs called the cops on us." She laughed at Dall knowing that was very irresponsible of her.

"Y/n I need to talk to you... Alone." Dall said and he looked nervous. I was worried and wanted to go with to make sure everything was okay, but I trusted y/n with my life I know she will tell me what he said.

She shrugged at me before they walked outside.  

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now