Arguing doesn't do any good Part 3

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He went quiet and I assumed he was asleep, and I had dozed off into a light sleep for a while before. I felt someone lightly tap my face, I almost lost it. "Ponyboy, I swear to the stars above if you ask me one more da-"

"Soda, is this always how you treat your brother." I heard the sweet voice hum, and I opened my eyes to see y/n staring over me. I looked over at the alarm clock and realized it was four thirty in the morning.

"why is everyone keeping me up late today." Y/n smiled, and I knew she was going to say something that made me think it was too early to think. "No actually ponyboy kept you up late yesterday I only woke you up early."

I was still curious on why she was in my room this early in the mornin'. "good on you for passing school, now can you please tell me why I am awake." I pleaded just wanting to know why this beautiful girl was doin in my room at four o clock in the morning.

"Cause I wanted to see you, and I thought It would be creepy to just watch you in your sleep." I chuckled to myself wondering how I could get so lucky. "yeah, that would be kinda creepy." I said and she laughed. "also cause I want food so get up lazy bones." I knew I wasn't going to get out of this anytime soon, so I flipped off the covers and stretched trying not to wake up ponyboy. "ok but get out for a minute I'm just gonna get ready for work so I don't have to rush around later." She turned around and went over to the nearest corner and sat down staring at the wall. "What on earth are you doing I said I was going to change weirdo." She laughed and I wondered if the wall told a good joke that I missed or something.

"then change, I ain't gonna look at ya" I turned red before making her promise that she wouldn't turn around. I stripped off grabbing my work attire off of the floor and started to put it on. I had gotten my jeans on and didn't want to put on my white shirt after noticing a visible stain on it. So, I slipped my DX shirt over my bare chest and called it good.

I turned over to y/n to see her looking at me. "Didn't I just say not to watch me." She turned back to face the wall. "Hey, I only saw your chest its not like I haven't seen that before."

I made a fake gasp like I was shocked or something, "Young lady, when did you become so dirty. Do I need to hold you down and wash your mouth out with soap?" She snickered. "if it means holding me down yeah sure." I ran over to her picking her up by the waist spinning her around. She giggled and I shushed y/n reminding her that ponyboy and darry were still sleeping. I messed up her hair before walking into the kitchen.

She followed me out saying, "now it might just be me needing sleep, but do you want to make breakfast? Cause I want grape jelly and eggs and that is why I woke you up cause I figured you would want some." I turned around saying, "You had me at grape jelly, to the kitchen" I called pointing towards the fridge. She laughed and when we arrived at our destination I called. "I'll get the bacon and eggs out you get the pan warmed up."

I reached into the fridge getting out everything needed to make breakfast, I then heard the clicking of the igniting fire under the pan. Once it was warmed up I dropped butter into it listening to it sizzle. I love that sound; it makes me hungry. Y/n placed some bacon into the pan, and we waited for one side to cook. I was too excited to be tired. Once the bacon was done, we used the extra grease to cook the eggs in. We agreed to make scrambled eggs cause who doesn't like scrambled eggs.

We then turned the burner off and sat down on the couch to eat. I went to the fridge to get the jelly and we both put it on our delicious meal. "you know y/n this was a great idea." She raised a hand saying, "I know, that is why I woke you." We both agreed and sat there facing each other on the couch. Just then Darry came out of his room to go to work and saw us eating and we just stared at him. "please tell me I am dreaming." We looked at each other before looking back at him again. "yes this whole thing is a dream." Y/n said sarcastically.

"No dare bare, you aren't dreaming we woke up at four this morning to make eggs." y/n said and I continued to eat them. "you know at least each of your one brain cells together make one functioning brain." Darry said pinching the bridge of his nose. Y/n acted offended before agreeing. "Soda was this your idea?" I laughed before explaining that Y/n came into my room woke me up to go make food and I thought it was a great idea. Darry laughed, "yep sounds like you two." He said something while laughing something along the lines of, 'you guys are insane, or 'I thought I was going crazy for a second' but he probably said both.

It was now around probably six or seven. Darry left telling us not to do anything stupid while he was gone. Once he left, we went back to eating our food. "it isn't weird to wake up your best friend to tell them you want food, is it?" I thought about it before replying to her, "nope I think its normal. But just to make sure we should ask ponyboy and johnny."

We nodded in agreement as we finished our food and walking over to the kitchen to clean off the dishes. I took y/n's dish from her and cleaned both myself. She protested me cleaning her dish saying she could do it herself, but I did it anyway.

I feel like she is at our house more and more. Sometimes I wonder if she ever leaves. I don't mind I enjoy her company and she makes everyone in this house laugh or smile in minutes with y/n just being herself.

Steve, Two-bit, and Dally busted through the front door making so much noise that it made both y/n and I scream. Two-bit walked into the kitchen laughing, "Did we interrupt something?" We both fell on the floor laughing, and I smacked my head on a cabinet and that made her laugh even harder. "unless you call dishes 'something' than you didn't miss anything." Y/n said before looking at me and laughing.

"Okay then..." two-bit called out to us confused, and later backing out of the room to whisper something to Steve him nodded his head in agreement. I don't know what he said but it was definitely something about me. y/n leaned over to me sayin' "What did he say to Steve?" I shrugged honestly having no idea. I stood up helping her to her feet as Steve came in the room clapping telling me it was time to leave for the DX.

"it is that time already?" I whined because I really didn't want to go to work. Y/n laughed leaning back against the counter. "If you go to work, I'll hang out in the garage with y'all." I smiled knowing she probably only said that because she doesn't want to be at home by herself. "alright deal." I said patting her on the side of her arm. 

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now