I am a what?!

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y/n pov

I followed Dallas out of the house and onto the front porch where he led me through the gate, and he lit a weed sticking it into his mouth. "What you need Dall?" I said leaning against the metal of the fence hearing it clang as I did so.

"I don't know where to start." He said letting out a puff of smoke. I watched curiously as he did so. "then start from the beginning..." I crossed my arms looking up watching the sun slowly slip past my view and into the horizon.

I remembered all the long talks I had with ponyboy about the sunset, and the clouds. I hardly noticed until he brought it up, it really was the most beautiful thing I had seen in a long time.

"well, I got a call from my dad, and he told me something that I think you should here... y/n I know your real last name." I looked up at Dallas and my jaw nearly dropped. I always took on my mom's last name which was (y/L/n). My dad never cared to tell me his, and after my parents got divorced, I just kept the name and didn't bother to change it. "My dad's name is David Winston, and the reason your parents got divorced is because your dad had an affair with my mother and that is how you were born..." I gripped my hair slowly falling to the ground. "Y-you're my br-" he finished my sentence. "Yes... I guess so." He said taking another breath of the cancer stick.

"a-all my life... I never knew... we were siblings." He nodded... "I'm sorry can you give me a minute this is all so much to take in..." He stood up and walked inside leaving me to think.

How could my father not tell me? Dallas is my brother, he's my brother... I now know one of my siblings... I wonder how many more I have that my family is keeping from me.

The cool air whipped past my face leaving a cold chill stinging my skin. I shivered at the touch wishing I had brought a jacket out here. Somehow, I was angry at my father for not telling me but so happy that I finally knew something about my family, I had a brother something that I thought I would never get to experience.

A cross between tears of joy and anger fell down my face making the cold only feel worse. I pulled my knees into my chest just letting my thoughts run wild. I didn't know what else I could do. The pain medication slowly wore off and I could start to feel each and every stitch in my side.

I thought about drinkin' tonight but then I remembered that Soda banned me from drinking any form of beer because 'I am a pain to deal with when I'm drunk', that and it just didn't taste good.

I think Soda and I, well maybe Johnny and pony, are the only ones who were almost always sober. I stopped my crying and all I could do was stare into the night sky.

I remembered two-bit saying that he kept beer in the fridge and dagnabbit I wanted it. I just wanted to just forget everything that happened, and I haven't drunk anything in a long time. I knew that it wasn't going to make my problems disappear but it sure will settle the nerves a little.

I sat there in the cold wondering how to get to it without Soda noticing, and it would have to wait because I heard the gate open and then latch closed. "Y/n are you okay?" I heard the sweet voice ring behind me.

"y-yeah I'm fine." He came over and sat down next to me and I laid my chin on my knees. "What did dally talk to you about?" He asked and I knew he was just curious since I had left so abruptly. "Nothing." I said and it wasn't just nothing I had a new brother to deal with and I didn't know how I felt about it. "I know its not nothing, you have been out her for over twenty minutes by yourself, you can tell me anything."

I couldn't hide it from him. I bit into my lip trying to hold it back, I knew I would have to tell him, but I couldn't not until I figured this out by myself. "I know I can Soda, I really do want to tell you but..." He looked at me, "But what y/n.."

I could tell he was getting annoyed, and I didn't want to lose him I had to give him some reassurance, the poor kid had been through so much. "I still have to figure out how I feel about it." He groaned laying his head back onto the chains of the fence. "You are so stubborn you know that? You don't have to do everything on your own... I'm here for you, heck even ponyboy or johnny would be willing to help you." He said and I could feel his anger and it made my voice hitch in my throat.

"I-I'm sorry, dally told me something...he answered a question I've been asking my whole life and... honestly... I don't know how to feel about it." I said lowering my voice trying not to cry. "Sweetheart, I'm the one that should be sorry... I shouldn't have gotten angry." I undid myself from the ball I was in earlier to grab soda by the shirt and pull him into a hug.

"Your hands are so cold on the back of my neck." I laughed before he offered to take me back inside. I nodded and we got up going through the gate and into the front door. Dally had left and who knows where he was going. I tried to push it to the back of my mind before I realized everyone, but soda had gone to bed.

I told soda that he could go to sleep I was just going to stay up a little bit longer. He refused to let me stay by myself until I told him to just go to bed. After a few minutes of silence, I finally went to the fridge to get out the cold glass bottle that sat on the shelf.

I popped the lid stuffing it into my pocket and went back to the couch taking a swig feeling the cold liquid burn down my throat. I shivered at the feeling, I haven't drunken a drop for years. I won't last long, and I knew this, but this was just to forget memories.

After a few more sips I felt my body warm up, it was almost a cozy feeling. Everything felt more interesting, and each annoying sound became louder, and almost clearer. Everything feels and looks different, and my head felt light almost dizzy.

I coughed slightly feeling the beer run down my throat. I felt things start to blur, and I couldn't focus on anything around me. I felt everything around me get mushed into a blur, a glossy, hazy nothingness.

I looked out over the glassy surface of the window, watching the lights around the streets fade into a distorting shaped line... I wanted to reach out and feel the warm light in my hands... and before I knew what I was doing, I was opening the window feeling the cold night air on my face.

I knew I had drunk to much and I should stop but something about the feeling of not being able to control yourself is wildly addicting.

I felt my hands wobble as I struggled to focus on anything but the bottle in my hand. I took a shaky swig of it numb to the feeling of it going down. I saw a figure in the distance it was a blur to me.

"Y/n? What in the horse feather are you doing?" the voice sounded familiar, but I was too tipsy to know who they were. "I told you no drinkin" I only remember one person telling me not to do that. "SODDDY" I said giggling uncontrollably.

I felt his hands wrap around mine taking the drink from me. I tried to take it from him, but I heard the sound of gulps before he left setting the glass on the table. "Hey that... was mine." I called to the figure. "Not anymore." He handed me a glass of water, "here drink this it will help you sober up." I tried and failed at trying to focus on the glass in front of me. My shirt felt cool and wet and I must have spilled the water on me.

"You must have had some talk with Dall if you are here getting Drunk." The figure called and after that I don't remember anything.  

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