Get away from me... Part 4

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We finished our dinner and we gathered in the livin room where Steve nudged Soda and he came over to me, "I need to talk to you" I was nervous for some reason. I got up and followed him to the back porch, where he leaned on the siding of the house.

"do you need something Soda?" I called to him watching him stare at the water dripping from the porch. "Where do we go from here?" He said looking over at me. "I say we follow this path, and let the wind chart our course" He walked over to where I was standing, grabbing the sides of my hands running his thumbs across the smooth skin of my palm. "I'll go down any path that you're on. I know I'm not ready to jump into another relationship yet, because I still want to make sure I am over Sandy." I smiled at him. "I'm not ready for a relationship either, for different reasons."

"I'm not letting you go; I want you to be mine but I have to make sure I can be loyal" He was so sweet, and kind, and the reason I didn't want to hope in a relationship was because I was worried of losing him. "Truth is, the reason I don't want to be with you is because I'm scared." He looked at me confused. "I'm scared that if something happens, or if you and I break up, that I'll lose you."

I started to softly cry as he pulled me into his arms, "Oh Doll, you'd never lose me. You could run to the ends of the earth and I would find a way to come back to you." He Hugged me tightly letting me know that he wasn't going anywhere.

He kissed the top of my head as I cried into his arms, and I hate crying in front of him. I hate showing people that I'm weak, and that things can get to me. "Love, look at me." I let go of his shirt pulling back so I could look into his gorgeous eyes. "What ever your fears may be, I want you to know that I am always here for you. I will never leave your side."

I smiled as Soda wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Then let's give it a try." He looked at me astonished by my sudden change of mind. "Are you sure?" I nodded "Why not, I mean if you really wanted to go back with Sandy you would have hoped on the next train to Florida. But you didn't, you stayed here with me, and if we don't work then we can go back to being friends, right?"

He smiled kissing me, and that gave me all the reassurance I needed. I loved him, he loved me. What more can I ask for, than him. I pulled away and he slipped and fell onto the wood of the porch and I laughed.

"hey help me up will you." His eyes narrowed. Then he extended his hand. Unthinkingly I reached for it to help pull him up. But as soon as our skin touched he clasped his fingers around mine and pulled, and I landed on his chest with a thump. Soda gave me a charming smile. I glared back at him

"I'll skin ya"

"If you must," he said sufferingly.

"I really will!"

"Yes I know." I became conscious of the fact that his chest felt very solid, and I was straddling his slim waist. Our uneven breathing rocked us against each other slightly. I suddenly felt my stomach turn and twist into knots.

I didn't want to skin him. Instead, I leaned down and kissed him. This is a terrible decision, I thought. I've gone completely mad and I need to stop this instant. But then Soda made a sound and parted his lips beneath mine, and I'm afraid that for a time I ceased listening to my brain entirely.

Maybe time stopped when his lips met mine, but the flutter only intensified. My heart pounded in my chest as my knees grew weaker. I could only focus on how soft he felt against my mouth, how addictively he invaded all my senses.

It still wasn't clear if I dreamed this moment to life, it had happened before, and it never got old. There was a raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around mine. Soda kept his eyes half open sneaking a guilty peek at me every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination.

Sodapop Curtis × Reader: I've never felt so youngWhere stories live. Discover now