"Orange Rhapsody"

872 31 46

Third POV

With the boys getting offers at the speed of light, it was no surprise to the youngest Jinguji son when he was called to Saotome's office with Hyuga in there as well, sitting in one of the two couches in front of the eccentric former idol's desk.

"A fashion show?" Ren questioned as he was handed a brochure of the event he'd be participating in.

"Yes, Mr. Ren Jinguji!" Saotome confirmed in his own unique way as he performed a handstand before landing on his feet in front of the golden haired idol while pointing at him dramatically.

"An offer has come for you to participate!"

"It's a good opportunity for you to broaden your work. Proceed carefully," the action star piped up as he smiled confidently up at his former student.

Well, Ren was quite familiar with the fashion industry, so this was nothing that was really new to him. It was only when he looked down at the stack of papers in his hands that Ren's attention was caught off guard for a second.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the first page was the name of something that the boy was quite familiar with. Much to his hidden dismay, the Jinguji Financial Group would be sponsoring the fashion show, which meant that Ren would have to deal with the one person he didn't want to have much of anything to do with.

With his business finished with the President, Ren made his exit as the former teacher of Saotome Academy decided to bring something up that he had heard from the media.

"Have you heard the rumors? Some amateurs have already been nominated for the Uta Pri Award," Hyuga explained as he stood up with his hands in his pockets.

It was the talk amongst fans, this group had just debuted not that long ago, and they had already been nominated for one of the top awards in the entertainment world. Saotome, well, he expected this. When did the man not expect something like this?

Hyuga quickly heard his boss's infamous chuckle, his back to the action star. 

"I couldn't ask for anything better than a rival."

Hyuga's dark blue eyes flashed with confusion, which was a first in a while. Saotome was always one step ahead of the game, and that's exactly what seemed like the case here.

"It'll be interesting to see if STARISH can become real idols. I'd have to say Ms. (L/N) is already pulling ahead of those boys in order to win her award as well."

Well, Hyuga knew that was the truth. Right after she debuted, (Y/N) was being offered many different opportunities to participate in many different variety shows, including her movie that she was in. The fact that she was wrote a whole soundtrack for her being only 18 at the time really embedded herself into the the entertainment world.

This was a very interesting development, indeed.


After he had made his way back to the dorms, the other boys had already prepared some tea and snacks as they all sat and wondered what their President had wanted to discuss with the golden haired singer.

Well, it definitely came as a surprise to Syo, for sure.

"Wait, the Japan Boys Collection?! You're going to be in that, Ren?! You get to be in it?!" The strawberry blonde haired boy exclaimed with shock as he stood up from his seat.

"Yeah," Ren curtly answered, his back to the rest of the group.

Syo couldn't believe that his friend was getting an offer in such a big industry like this one. STARISH was really beginning to get on the radar, and that was a good thing if they wanted to win this award that they were aiming for.

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