"Full Throttle Chivalrous Spirit Go! Fight!!"

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First POV

After getting my butt slightly chewed by Ryuya, and after wiping my eyes dry of my tears, I made my way back to the dorms. It was the perfect ending to a good day, and I was wearing a big smile on my face as I continued walking down the hallway. It was only when I heard another pair of feet walking my way that I actually looked up to see who else was here. As I looked ahead, I stopped. Ichinose had stopped in front of me as well.

He and I had got off on a bad note the last time we saw each other. Not really knowing what to say under his hard gaze, I simply put my head down. I stayed where I was as he walked past my figure without saying a word. I looked back when he was past me, thinking about how I could try and get on a better note with him. I didn't want us to be distant forever. I felt like there was something there that we could connect over, I just had to get him to open up a little. But that would take a lot. As I continued on my way once again, I felt my phone vibrate. While still walking, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked to see who had messaged me.

To: (Y/N)

From: Tomo

Heya! Haruka and I were thinking that you deserved a little treat. Come by our room for a little bit for CELEBRATION!!

I had to giggle at her message. I didn't think I had made much of an impact on everyone, but hanging out with the girls sounded nice. I smiled as I began typing on my phone.

To: Tomo


Sure, I'd love too! Give a few minutes to change and I'll be there!

I sent the text, and ran to my room to change into some more comfortable clothes. While I was feeling really happy, it was the whole thing with Ichinose that stayed in the back of my mind. Well, I can figure something out, hopefully.

Third POV

After rushing back to her room, (Y/N) told Ittoki where she would be if he needed anything. With a final wave, she went out the door and to her two close friends's room. Ittoki decided that he wanted to play his guitar, and by the time Ichinose had come back, Ittoki was strumming a pretty catchy tune. As Ichinose sat at his desk, there was something on his mind. He turned around in his seat and faced the guitar player.

"Otoya," he called out.

Ittoki stopped playing and turned around, worried that he had disturbed his other roommate.

"Yeah? Am I playing too loud?" He asked.

"No," Ichinose answered.

Ittoki set his guitar down and faced the serious boy.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

Ichinose stayed quiet for a minute before he began talking.

"The lyrics to that song, did she make Ren write them?" He asked.

"You mean (Y/N)?" The red head asked, making sure he was talking about the right person.

"Yeah," Ichinose answered.

Ittoki couldn't help but smile, even though Ichinose was asking him if (Y/N) had actually made Jinguji write his lyrics, which he knew she didn't.

"I really admire her. When she gathered the ripped up lyrics, her feelings reached Ren. She always does her very best, especially when it comes to music. She's also really determined. She cares a lot about those around her," he explained while he kept the soft smile on his face.

Ichinose kept his gaze on his friend. Had this girl really had that much of an impact on him and others? Maybe he'd find out, sooner or later.


Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now