"Smile Magic"

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Third POV

🎶Let's go!
Are you ready?
Trust yourself,
🎶Let's hold hands!

The day had started out with the lovely sound of a strumming guitar, followed by a cheery voice singing an upbeat tune. Ittoki had really been practicing his singing and playing, and it had really began paying off for him. His aura was even more warm and welcoming than it was before.

🎶Trust our dream,
Our world!
It's the greatest ride,
🎶The lights are all blue.

As the cheery red headed boy continued on with his song, it began to draw the attention of some of the other members of STARISH. More specifically, Syo and Shinomiya, as they stood by the entrance of the practice room, careful not to disturb the vibe that Ittoki had going on.

"He's gotten better," Syo whispered as he kept his baby blue eyes on the singer.

"Otoya's bright aura already draws people in, but it's gotten even brighter," Shinomiya voiced as well.

The other members had heard the singing as well, causing them to come and investigate. And they too, had been drawn in by Ittoki bright and warm aura as he continued on with his song.

"There may be some secret behind it," Hijirikawa suggested.

It was true that the traditional idol was happy that his fellow bandmate was getting even better as the days went by, but one couldn't help but wonder if there was a reason behind it.

"Now that you mention it, did you know that he disappears sometimes?" Shinomiya asked while looking back towards the others.

"Maybe he's been doing voice training," Syo mentioned.

However, they didn't know why Ittoki had disappeared during the day sometimes. And whenever the guys would ask him about, the red head somewhat avoided the question. Like he was hiding something, which was odd for him.

"Without telling us?" Ichinose questioned, knowing that Ittoki was usually very open about everything.

"Really? Ikki is, huh?" Ren added on.

The golden haired idol had to admit, he didn't think Ittoki could keep something like this from STARISH. Maybe the boy was more sly than what he had thought.

"We have to keep up," Hijirikawa stated as well.

They were all moving ahead at such a pace that even a small break would mean that someone could fall behind in making their way towards their goal of winning the UtaPri Award.

Looking back towards the red head of the group, Ittoki had performed an amazing guitar solo, ending his song with a smile, and letting the sound reverberate through the halls. And it surely impressed those who were listening.

Feeling that there was someone watching him, Ittoki had turned around to see everyone looking at him with amazement in their eyes. But it seemed to surprise Ittoki just as much.

"Oh, you were all listening?" He asked his bandmates.

However, while he was having an amazing time playing and singing, Ittoki had lost track of time. He had an appointment at a studio. For what? The red head didn't know. But he had someone there to remind him of his schedule.

"Otoya," Ichinose called out to him.

A chibi Ittoki simply blinked as he answered his roommate. He really was kind of clueless when it came to time management.

"Huh? What?"

"If you don't hurry, you'll be late to your recording," a chibi Ichinose informed him.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now