"Map Of The Future"

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Third POV

While happy that he was now able to fulfill his dream of truly debuting, Ichinose still hadn't figured out a way to let his agency know of his sudden desire to transfer. And because of that, he had taken every job that had been handed to him by his manager. However, Ichinose wasn't finding time to rest from all of the work, and it had begun to catch up with him. As he was sitting down on his couch, going through a script and highlighting his parts with a red marker, Ichinose's vision suddenly got blurry as he felt a headache coming on. Thinking it wasn't much, he simply pinched the bridge of his nose to ease the pain.

After going through the rest of the script, Ichinose realized that he needed to meet with his manager, as they were going to be driving to his next destination for work. As he ran out the door and into the pouring rain, Ichinose's manager was getting off of a phone call as the idol jumped into the car.

"After the drama shoot, you've got a variety show tape in Shiodome. Then an autograph signing-"

"An autograph signing?" Ichinose questioned as his manager looked back at him.

The idol had planned to meet up with his friends after he was finished with work, so this was unexpected since he was only notified about the drama and show tapings.

"It was decided yesterday," his manager told him.

Ichinose leaned forward in his seat, making sure his manager could hear him, since rain was beating on the windows.

"But I have plans this evening. I know I told you."

"And what would those plans be?  This is how you get ahead, Hayato. We've got to keep pushing you to places where the agency doesn't have much presence," the brunette declared to Ichinose.

Ichinose's eyes went wide with shock, and worry. He had no idea how he was going to be able to make it to practice with that much work.

"So, after that, you have a radio show taping in Yotsuya. Finally, you catch the last flight to Osaka. It's tough, but this is your last chance," he listed off.

Ichinose stayed silent, knowing that there was going to be a long night ahead.

First POV

Since getting the go ahead to move on with group number, we all have been meeting in the practice room everyday after school. Haruka and I were sitting at the piano with Natsuki and Otoya standing by us, and the others sitting, or standing, around the room.

"How about we put a little more bass right here?" I asked as I looked at Haruka while pointing to an area in the song.

She looked at me with a smile.

"Yes, and then we can bring the higher notes out a little more as well."

"I agree," Natsuki smiled.

As I wrote in the change, I heard Syo let out a long sigh.

"For some reason, I'm not feeling it today," I heard him say.

We all turned our attention to Syo as Ren scoffed.

"Of course you feel like that.  We're short one member," he said in an icy voice.

I looked down at my lap. The boys still didn't know about Tokiya's situation, and Haruka and I didn't know how to reveal it to them.

"*Sigh* Tokiya was late yesterday too," Syo said as he leaned back in his seat a little bit.

Tokiya seemed to have gotten even more busy than before. He wasn't in the dorms very much anymore, and that made me worry for his health.

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