"Believe Heart to the End of the World"

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First POV

After the whole piano and class incident with Haruka and I's, lives were once again peaceful for us. Right now, we were all in the court yard watching Hijirikawa, Shinomiya, and Otoya practicing for a group dance assignment that was due for a test next week. It was really cool to watch them practice, the music fit the dance perfectly. Haruka was standing there in awe while I had a smile on my face. Finally, the music ended, and the boys stood in their final positions, sweat dripping down their faces.  She and I walked over to the boys as they wiped the sweat off their faces with some towels.

"How was our dancing?" Shinomiya asked us.

"The test is next week. I hope we pass," Otoya added as he stretched his arms out over his head.

Haruka smiled real big as she clapped her hands together while I smiled a big toothy grin as well. 

"It was wonderful!  You got my toes tapping. I'm sure the test will turn out just fine," she told them.

I nodded along with her.

"Yeah, you did really good. You guys'll do awesome," I praised as well.

Otoya seemed to have gotten a burst of confidence as he pumped his fist in the air.


"No," a monotone voice said.

We all looked over to Hijirikawa, who had a disapproving expression on his face.

"You've still got a ways to go. Your rhythm strays too far off the beat. That's a long way from perfection," he critiqued.

We all sweat-dropped at his bluntness. Now that he mentioned it, Otoya was a little bit off of the beat, but by a hair. Guess the dancer in me just noticed it, although I don't like critiquing out loud. Otoya and Shinomiya turned around with disappointed chibi faces.

"Well that's....."

"Let's be careful with the tempo."


As I giggled at the boys' goofiness, we all heard the squeals of a group of girls. We all turned around, and saw Jinguji with a flock of girls following him like little ducklings, walking down the hallway.

"Ren, that's why you're a celebrity!"

"How dreamy!"

I saw Jinguji walking in front of the group smelling a pink rose.

"It was such a beautiful rose, so I bought the whole garden. You see, I thought I'd give it to someone as a present," he flirted.

That seemed to rile the girls up, big time. They began squealing again.

"Please, give it to me!"

"No, me!"

I saw Jinguji smirk.

"I will, if you sweep me off my feet."

Haruka and I looked at him with weirded out expressions. The weird thing was, I still couldn't figure out where I'd seen him. Sure, I knew he was in a lot of magazines, but like with Hijirikawa, there was something else there. She and I were pretty weirded out though.

"Uhhh...." we both trailed off.

We continued to look at the group until we heard Otoya speak up.

"Only he can get away with a line like that," he said.

"Ren Jinguji," Shinomiya began.

We all looked to him, well, all of us except Hijirikawa. I forget that they're rivals sometimes.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now