"Muteki Dangerous"

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Third POV

Sitting in her seat near the stage, (Y/N) couldn't contain her excitement, despite seeing her cousins perform before. But this time, she'd get to see them all as a group. You see, right after she had reunited with Tomohisa and Ryuji, the female idol did some research on B-Project, even listening to some of their songs they had recorded already. And she had to admit, like STARISH, she fell in love with the music.

It was still about another twenty minutes before the show actually started, so (Y/N) decided to send her excited cousins a text to let them know that she was elated to be here, maybe even pass the message on to the others. Taking a quick selfie of herself holding up a peace sign while giving the camera a bright smile, (Y/N) sent it with the caption of, 'Excited to see you guys perform!'

Back stage, in their blue, gold, and white themed outfits, all of the members were waiting, both anxiously and patiently, for their time to shine.

Back stage, in their blue, gold, and white themed outfits, all of the members were waiting, both anxiously and patiently, for their time to shine

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There was some murmurs of excitement in the room, but that was soon cut off by four different ringtones. Four people knew those ringtones well, and soon, Tomohisa, Ryuji, Haruhi, and Yuzuki picked up their devices, and all of them smiled when they saw the message they had all received from the same person.

"Oh, wow! She got some pretty good seats. We'll be able to see her for sure, Yuzu!"

"Yeah, but she's coming back here later, isn't she?" Yuzuki asked his twin.

The more energetic of the two nodded his head happily as the other members from the remaining groups stood off to the side, observing the twins' excitement from the anonymous person that they were conversing with. That is, until Akane and Yuta got a little too curious, and decided to snatch Haruhi's phone away from him.... again.

Of course, Akane lit up like a light once he saw the picture as Yuta let out an excited yell.

"Yay! We get to see (Y/N) today!" The orange haired boy exclaimed as Yuta threw his hands in the air with excitement as well.

"And we can finally meet her in person!"

That caught the attention of everyone as Tomohisa and Ryuji both nodded as well, silently ecstatic to see their old friend once again since the movie filming.

As Haruhi glared while Miroku stole his phone back for him, despite Akane's protests, the remaining members of Thrive and Moons became rather curious when they heard the familiar first name. Hikaru, being the most curious, peaked at Yuzuki's phone, only to be met with the brightest smile the green haired boy had ever seen. It was the smile of his favorite female idol, and that made him even more excited.

"Wow! The (Y/N) (L/N) is here to see us, and we're meeting her later?!" Hikaru began to question the calmer twin as Nome tried to calm him down a little while Yuzuki confirmed his wish.

But secretly, Nome was excited too, since he had liked (Y/N)'s way of singing when he first saw her debut. And he wasn't the only one. Goshi stood off to the side with his arms crossed, but he had a faint blush on his cheeks, and his heart was skipping a couple of beats. Very rarely did he come across a female music artist that played the guitar as well as (Y/N), and according to the twins, loved rock.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now