"Serious Love 1000%"

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Third POV


"It's time, Sochi," Shining had said over the phone before making his big announcement to the world.

Sochi had gotten home from the office a bit earlier that day, so he had gone home to spend some quality time with his wife. They had been sitting in bed when Shining had called. It was time, but he worried for his daughter. Valencia had perked when she caught sight of her husband's concerned expression.

"Shining, maybe there's another way to go about this. She's going to be devastated," the CEO tried to reason.

However, he could see Shining's smile on his face through his phone. It was no use trying to convince him at this point.

"If that's the case, then it all depends on her friends to show her the path of which she was meant to walk on. I'm afraid I have to let you go, old friend. It's showtime!"

"Wait, Shining-"

It was no use. His phone beeped as Shining hung up. Sochi pulled it away as he let out a sigh. Valencia knew something wasn't right. Her mother alert was going off.

"What's going on, Soichiro? Is everything alright?" She asked as she put her book that she was reading on her nightstand.

Sochi didn't want to worry her, but if something were to happen, he wouldn't have been able to hide it. So, Sochi explained everything to Valencia, including Shining's plan, his phone call, and Valencia did not like the idea of that at all.

"Soichiro, she loves music more than anything. I don't want her to give up that dream she's had for so long, and I know you feel the same," she told her husband.

Sochi knew that. He's known that from the very beginning. But, maybe Shining's plan would work. He reached over to grab his wife's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Look, I think Shining knows what he's doing. We just have to have faith that everything will be okay."


First POV

"Now, do you both think you can write a song that surpasses the 'God of Music'?" The headmaster asked us in a sinister voice.

It was like my world around me was slowly beginning to crumble. To hear him say those words, made my heart ache slightly.


"Uh... well I...."

We couldn't form any words. I had no idea how we were going to surpass Dad's compositions. They were amazing, unrivaled to anything that the music industry had seen before. How were we going to rival that?

"Aren't you both happy just listening to everyone sing?" He asked us once again.

That was when I remembered the words that I had said moments before.

"I want to be able to hear our song again, and it being sung by the people I love. And I don't want anything else."

I didn't really understand what that had to do with anything really. Of course I was happy to hear everyone singing together, so why...?

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now