"Come On, Let's Song!"

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First POV

The next day, I was making my way to my classroom, but as I was walking through the halls, I caught sight of everyone looking at me.

'Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything,' I thought to myself as I quickened my pace through the hallway.

Unfortunately, my thoughts and internal pleads weren't heard.

"Say, isn't that (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Yeah, she's the top student in the composition course."

"Whoa, I heard she's in the idol course too."

My blush deepened as I kept hearing every comment that the other students were whispering. That's when I jogged off a little bit to get away from the crowds. I was so bashful when it came to other people complimenting me, since I had all of the guys telling me things yesterday. I still couldn't get them out of my head either. I had to give them a proper answer soon. Finally, I was able to get to a quiet area in the hallway where I could relax a little bit. I let out a sigh as I leaned my back against the wall, thinking back to all of the boys saying, or in one case writing, that they wanted to be my partner. I had to worry about Haruka too, I needed to give her an answer soon as well.

'I can't choose just one of them. I mean, they've all done so much for me, and I wouldn't be here without them,' I thought to myself as I dazed off a little bit.

This whole decision was going to be hard, and I was so out of it. I didn't hear the clicking of heels come towards me.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?  You look like you're in a daze," I heard Ringo's voice ask me.

I snapped my head up to see him standing beside me.

"Oh, Rin...." I trailed off quietly.

He stood up straight, but was looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Have you decided on your partner?  The deadline is tomorrow, you know," he informed me.

I looked down, breaking eye contact with him, and turned my gaze to my feet. This was really starting to stress me out a little bit.

"Right.... Um listen, maybe I-"

"There is no way I'm letting you drop out," Ringo cut me off as he put his hands on my shoulders.

Now I had to look him in the eyes. He was giving me a look of determination, much like how a brother would do for his sister.

"Don't run away from this. I've seen your love for music, (Y/N). I won't let you give it up like this. I want you to stand up to this trial. Haru and those boys are waiting for your answer, and it's your duty to give them an answer as soon as possible. Like I said before, you've got this. You always figure something out," Ringo told me in a serious voice as he continued to look me in the eyes.

I couldn't really say anything at first. I didn't really have much faith in myself if I had to be honest. I looked back down as I pulled away from Ringo.

"Right...." I said as I began walking away from him.

"Remember, if you don't submit your form, not only you, but all 7 of those kids will be disqualified, too," he called out to me as I continued to walk further down the hallway.

I didn't show it, but I did not want everyone to get disqualified because of me not wanting to make a decision. I let Ringo's words set in as I made my way to Haruka and Tomo's room. I decided to stay there until I got this whole thing sorted out.

Third POV

That night, (Y/N) couldn't one wink of sleep. She had been pondering on Ringo's words from before. While she didn't want to give up this dream that she had had since she was a young girl, (Y/N) didn't want to have to make a choice. As she lay on the couch with one hand she placed under her head and the other on her stomach, her (e/c) eyes stared up at the ceiling. Then, she remembered something. Words that had been spoken to her back on the island by a certain prince.

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