"Knocking On My Mind"

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First POV

A couple of days passed before the results of the recording test were posted. I was so nervous. Ryuya can be hard to read sometimes, but he looked impressed when we all did ours, so maybe. All of the students gathered around to see what they had scored on the test, or to even see if they passed. I scanned for my name, but hey, I found Haruka's name first. She had gotten an 87, which was a pretty high score. She was standing next to me, so I got all excited when I spotted her name first.

"Yay! You did it, you passed!" I celebrated as I gave her a quick hug.

She giggled and returned my gesture.

"Did you find your name, (Y/N)?" She asked me.

I shook my head. Maybe I didn't pass?  I couldn't find my name anywhere on the chart. At least not where I was looking. Before we both knew it, Tomo had ran over to us at lightning speed, tackling us both in a group hug.

"We did it! We passed!" She exclaimed.

My eyes went wide as I pulled away from them quick.

"Wait, does that mean you found my name?" I asked frantically.

Before she could answer, I felt an arm around my shoulder.

"Aw yeah! We did it, (Y/N)! We got a 92!" the voice had yelled.

I turned around and caught the familiar sight of a black fedora. I smiled when I saw that it was Syo. But wait, a 92? Did we really score that high?  I looked up even further, and sure enough, there was our names. I was stunned. I didn't think we scored that high.

"Oh wow, that's awesome, you two! Congrats," Tomo said as she congratulated us.

Haruka nodded in agreement. I smiled at them before I turned my attention back to the scoreboard. That was just our group recording, I had to find my individual recording. As I looked, we heard someone calling for Haruka.


I turned to see Otoya running towards us as he waved.

"Ittoki," Haruka called out as he stopped in front of us.

He seemed really excited, and I don't blame them. I was excited too, but I turned my attention back to the board as they went on about how fired up Otoya was now that they had received a high score on their recording test. Tomo thought it was a little much. Syo was helping me look as well.

"Whatcha looking for, (Y/N)?" Otoya asked as he made his way over to us.

I turned to look at him real quick to fill him in on what I was doing.

"I'm trying to find my name for my individual recording. Syo and I found ours, but now we're looking for my other one," I explained.

I really hope he didn't ask what score I had gotten. I get embarrassed about grades a lot. But luck for conversation wasn't on my side today.

"So, what did you guys receive?" Otoya asked with a smile.

And there it was. I began to stutter a little bit as Syo smirked.

"We got a 92," he announced proudly.

Otoya got really happy when he found out what our scores were.

"That's amazing!  You really are an amazing composer, (Y/N)," he complimented.

"Isn't she?" Tomo joined in.

I was turning really red and I flailed my arms around before finally burying my face in my hands, receiving laughter in return.

"You're embarrassing me," I mumbled from my hands.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now