"Promise to Sirius"

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Third POV

It was another peaceful day at the agency, and the boys of STARISH were relaxing outside in one of the many gardens on the property. Nothing could ruin the moment of tranquility. There was a light breeze, the sun was shining, and the sky was the perfect shade of blue.

Well, the peaceful moment of tranquility didn't last too long. Soon, the sound of footsteps barreling towards the band was heard, along with a happy shout that could only belong to one person.

"HOORAY!" Shinomiya exclaimed as he lunged at himself at his childhood friend, trapping Syo in a tight embrace.

"Listen to this, I've got a job!" The tall blonde of the group revealed to everyone.

Like the members before him, Shinomiya was quite excited to be informed that someone had offered a job for him to do. It would help STARISH in the long run for achieving their goal for being nominated for the Uta Pri Award.

Catching everyone's attention, the other members perked up, curious as to what the sunshine of the group could've been offered to participate in.

"A gravure ad?" Ittoki asked, repeating what Shinomiya had told them to make sure he didn't mishear him.

"Yes, it's a lipstick ad."


Certainly not what the boys were expecting, but it was a job that could grab the attention of fans, being as that it was makeup. Shinomiya saw it in a very...different point of view.

"It sounds like a mature, strong, and manly job," the tall blonde smiled while pumping his fists slightly.

Mature, manly, and strong, not exactly the words to describe Shinomiya. He always wore a swimsuit with a Piyo-Chan tube for swimming, he loved and was gentle with animals (like another certain someone), and the tall blonde absolutely loved the fancy parfaits you saw on display at many cafes.

Those were the other's exact thoughts, so it wasn't surprising that they all deadpanned at Shinomiya when they heard him describing his thoughts on the job.

"Well then. Things are starting to get busy. Time to go practice!" The tallest member of the group beamed as he wandered his way back into the building.

Ittoki and Syo just sweat-dropped with chibi expressions as they watched their friend disappear from sight.

"What's he going to practice?" The confused red head questioned, not knowing if there was really anything to practice when it came to things like that.

"It's impossible. There's no way," the strawberry blonde next to him commented as he placed his hands on his hips.

"It's a little different from what I'd except from Shinomi," Ren added on as he leaned back against the bench he was sitting on.

"A little different? It's the exact opposite," Ichinose stated.

He wasn't wrong. You'd expect someone like Natsuki Shinomiya to be featured in a kid's show or some kind of cutesy ad that was meant towards girls. But a lipstick ad? It didn't really fit his whole personality.

As the boys continued pondering on Shinomiya's little announcement, another pair of footsteps was heard approaching the group. Turning towards the noise, STARISH saw the familiar shade of (h/c) hair that belonged to the one and only (Y/N).

She looked to be little frantic, as if she was searching for someone in particular. And someone particular she was looking for.

"Syo, there you are," she let out as she stopped to catch her breath.

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