"Poison Kiss"

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Third POV

That day, they shined dazzlingly bright, wrapping the people in a vortex of excitement. And STARISH was born amidst the splendor.

Not only that, but another miracle was born that day. An angel whose music can captivate even the toughest of critics. Her voice can only be described as that of a goddess, the music she creates emits warmth, and love.

That day would come to be known as their debut concert. They have begun walking towards their dream. But, this dream also comes with the challenges that they have yet to face.

First POV

"Alright! That was great, guys! That's a wrap!" One of the directors yelled over to everyone as we held our poses.

Once those words left his mouth, we all relaxed our postures, and began walking off set to our respected dressing rooms. I suppose you're wondering what's going on here. Well, let me fill you in a little bit.

For the past four months, I've been working as an actress on a movie, directed by one of the best in Japan. To be honest, I was really nervous when they gave me the offer of being one of the supporting characters for this movie, because I've never really acted before. But as time went on, I've been having a blast with doing it.

Not only that, but the way I got the acting job was kind of funny too. I was originally called by the producer of the movie to work on the compositions and music, but right when I started working, he asked me if I wanted to play as a character on the production.

I was a little hesitant at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this would be a good way to get recognized in the entertainment world even more. So, I took the offer, and I've had the most fun ever since.

"(Y/N)," I heard a voice call out to me as I went over to grab a towel.

I turned towards the source of the voice, and saw a boy with snowy white hair, sapphire eyes, and a princely smile walking over towards me with two water bottles in his hands. He was also wearing a red suit coat with bits of gold on it, black pants, along with black boots.

This is Tomohisa Kitakado, he's one of my co-stars and is actually a rookie idol himself

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This is Tomohisa Kitakado, he's one of my co-stars and is actually a rookie idol himself. A few months after STARISH and I debuted, he made his debut along with his fellow idol, though I can't remember his name since I haven't officially met him yet.

He's a very polite and gentle guy, and he's an amazing actor as well. Though, I can't give away too much of the movie. But I can say, our characters are love interests.

I smiled over at him as he handed me a water bottle.

"Thank you, Kitakado," I smiled as I took a sip, feeling satisfied as the cold water filled my mouth.

As I did so, I heard Kitakado chuckling to himself a little bit. Feeling a little confused, I looked back up at the taller male as he gave me one of his princely smiles.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Where stories live. Discover now