"Weaving Dreams"

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Third POV

With the academy class returning to the school, it was now time to get back to work. After his little talk with (Y/N), Ichinose had found the hope for singing that he had long been missing. That day in class, Ringo had asked him to sing, which he agreed to do. As Ichinose sung, people in class began to notice a difference in his singing. It was more full of life and heart, and Ringo could hear a difference as well. Haruka smiled at Ichinose, knowing that (Y/N) had something to do with his sudden change, and she couldn't be more happier. When Ichinose was done singing, the whole class was silent in amazement. Ringo walked up behind him, and put his hand on the singer's shoulder.

"Good job," the pink haired idol smiled.

After class, Ringo immediately showed the song to Shining, knowing that the secret idol had proven himself to have what it takes to sing with heart.

"Hahaha!  Now, that was delicious. Go, go, go! Just like you're going!" Shining told the dark haired boy.

Shining had been really impressed that Ichinose was able to turn his singing style around, so he had a little surprise for Ichinose.

"With this, you may be able to make it back to S-Class!" He announced.

Ichinose's eyes widened in shock. He didn't think it was possible for him to move back up into S Class. But, he guessed he had her to thank for that. After being dismissed, Ringo remained in Shining's office as he played the song that (Y/N) had played for both S-Class and A-Class before the summer camp.

"Haha.... I heard... the rumored Goddess's ditty," he began.

Ringo had recorded the song and showed it to Shining, since the eccentric man had requested to hear the girl's music, just to see if she was the real deal. And he had to admit, (Y/N) had exceeded his expectations by a long shot.

"Did you like it?" Ringo asked with a smile.

"Liked it? I loved it! She's a truly wondrous and talented mademoiselle, who possesses the power to move people. Not only that, but she's as warm and kind as the sun in Aesop's 'The North Wind and The Sun'!" Shining exclaimed.

Ringo was happy that (Y/N) was able to come out of her shell a little bit, and that she was doing such an amazing job at the academy. But, something else lingered in the back of his mind as he looked to his boss.

"And she doesn't even know it herself. It's a shame that she went through a lot when she was younger though," he said the last part a bit quieter, but he was happy for her either way.

Shining continued to smile and laugh as he stood up in his chair.

"Hahaha! Gabacho! Besame mucho...."

First POV

It was nice to be back from the summer camp, but I still had no idea about who I wanted my partner to be. As I walked through the hallways, I heard mutters about everyone who had decided on their partners. I had to make a choice sooner or later, but I already had two people who wanted me as their partner, so I had that on my mind too. When I got to an area that was away from all of the students, I saw Tokiya walking towards me in the hallway. I smiled at him as he looked up at me and stopped.

"I just met with the headmaster. He's moving me back to S-Class," he told me.

My smile got even bigger when he said that. That filled my body with happiness.

"Really? That's awesome," I beamed.

"It's because of you. Thank you for that," he thanked me.

I blushed. I didn't really think that I had done that much, so I was a bit embarrassed. But I kept the smile on my face.

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