"Seven-Colored Compass"

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First POV

"Are you sure you have everything, Sweetie?" I heard my mom ask me from the doorway of my room.

I turned toward her with a smile on my face, and my (f/c) bag strap on my shoulder. You see, I'm on my way to take the entrance exam to get into the prestigious Saotome Academy.

"Yep, I double checked everything," I told my mom as I walked toward her.

I grabbed my jacket as well, which of course, had dog hair on it since my three behemoth dogs think it's okay to lay on my stuff. But I love them anyway. My mom had a huge smile on my face as she gave me a hug as I was about to leave.

"Now, are you sure you don't want a ride? I can have someone take you and Haruka to the exam hall," she offered.

I smiled, but shook my head.

"Nah, we'll be fine. Besides, I don't get to enjoy fresh snow everyday," I assured her with a smile.

Even though my mom kept on insisting, she knew I was stubborn like my father. Finally, she laid off and walked me to the gate that surrounded our very, very large house. As soon as we made it to the gate, she looked at me and gave me one last hug.

"Now, don't freak out. Stay calm and I'm sure you girls will do great," she said, thinking I was nervous about this exam.

"Mom, don't worry. I promise, we'll do just fine," I laughed.

And with that, off I went to meet up with my best friend, Haruka Nanami. She and I have been besties for the longest time since our moms both went to the same high school. I ran down the path to a place that Haruka told me to meet her at, and before long, I caught sight of her short, pink hair as she held her umbrella, shielding her from the falling snow.

"Haruka!!!" I called out as I waved to her.

She turned around and caught sight of me running towards her with a big smile on her face. I jumped up and threw my arms around her neck, giving her a big hug.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" She said as she wrapped her arms around me.

Unfortunately, I threw too much force at her, causing us both to fall in the snow. Even though it hurt a little bit, we both laughed ourselves off. After that little incident, we both stood up and began walking toward our destination.

"Why didn't you bring an umbrella? Aren't you cold?" Haruka asked me as she put her umbrella over me slightly.

I guess that's the one thing I forgot. I shrugged and shook my head.

"Not really. Guess my excitement got the best of me," I told her.

She hummed in response. We caught up as we walked, even though we see each other like every other day. As we turned a corner that had a fence, which surrounded a playground for small children, and we both noticed a little girl standing in the middle of the sidewalk. She had her face in her hands and looked like she was crying. Having the big hearts that we did, Haruka and I walked up to her and crouched down to her height.

"What's wrong?" Haruka asked her softly.

The little girl looked up at us with tears running down her face and her cheeks had turned a bright red from the cold.

"*Hic* I lost *hic* my mommy. *Hic* *hic* And I can't find my kitten," she hiccuped through her tears.

I smiled and put my hands on her cheeks, in an attempt to warm them and wipe her tears a little bit. She looked up at me as I spoke.

"Don't worry. We'll help you find your mom and your kitten, okay?"

Her eyes widened as she nodded slowly. And so the search began. Haruka went with the little girl to find her mother while I went on a search for a little, white kitten, which was the description that was given to me.

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