"Reincarnation of Love"

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Third POV

"Cecil?" (Y/N)'s voice asked, just above a whisper.

She couldn't believe her eyes, the boy was right here, giving her the softest smile. How could that be though, she wondered to herself. (Y/N) had pushed him away during a time when all he wanted to do was help.

She had thought that he would've been angry when he saw her, but there was none of that. The strange boy had looked over to the slightly shocked older girl, and he continued smiling as he jumped down from the railing of the gazebo as she quickly made her way over to him, stopping only a few feet away.

(Y/N) didn't know what to say to him, but, her next actions said it all. With a quick step forward, (Y/N) embraced the prince of Agnapolis, catching him off guard a little bit. However,Cecil wasn't complaining, but before he could question anything, he heard his princess's gentle voice.

"I'm so sorry, Cecil," she apologized softly.

The guilt she had felt for almost a year was now starting to come out, but Cecil couldn't understand why she felt that way. She had done nothing wrong, so why was she apologizing? With his arms tightening slightly around her waist, he softly asked her.

"Why are you apologizing, my Princess? You have done nothing wrong," he told her gently.

He then felt her shake her head, and then pull away from him. However, Cecil kept his arms around his waist, being as that he hadn't been able to touch, let alone see her, in almost a year. (Y/N)'s mind was going all over the place, so much for her not to notice the prince's actions.

"No, I did. I pushed you away when you were trying to help me and I wasn't in the right state of mind and..." she began speaking quickly, her voice was cracking slightly.

But Cecil was quick to cut her off by pulling her closer to him, her head resting on his chest. Had she really been feeling this guilty for so long?

"(Y/N), I promise you, you have nothing to apologize for. I completely understand that you were going through some things that night as well. Like I have told you before, I will always be here by your side, no matter what," he spoke to her.

As they both pulled away from each other, (Y/N) felt Cecil grab her hand gently before kneeling down in front of her. He brought her (s/c) hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back of it before looking back up at at her with the softest of smiles.

"Besides, I'm very pleased that I got to meet you here again, my beloved princess," he told her before standing up, keeping her hand gently in his grasp.

In that moment, even though she was slightly flustered, (Y/N) felt a huge weight lifted off of her chest. She felt so much lighter, but there was still so many things that she wanted to say to Cecil. So, she decided to start slowly, looking into his bright emerald eyes.

"You know, I never really got to thank you for what you did. I was able to find something important to me because of it," she started, looking down slightly in the process.

"I should be the one thanking you."

Cecil's words caught the (h/c) haired girl off guard. He was thanking her? For what exactly, (Y/N) wondered. She looked up with a little bit of confusion in her eyes as he continued on with his explanation.

"The songs you spin saved me. I've been waiting for this day for so long," he told her.

Before (Y/N) could even comprehend what he had said, and before she could form any words, Cecil had placed his tanned hand onto her cheek, causing her to begin blushing heavily.

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