"Shout Out from Orion"

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First POV

After a hectic but fun week, it was finally the weekend. Today was going to be especially fun because Haruka and I were going to be heading to a Hayato concert at an amusement park later this afternoon. Well, I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting her to buy me a ticket.

It's not like I didn't like Hayato, it's just that I wasn't as big of a fan as Haruka was. I couldn't say 'no' to her though, so I took it as a time to study an idol up close and to spend some quality time with my best friend. She and I were dressed in casual clothing as we made our way down to the cafeteria, where we found our friend group sitting in their spot. Otoya noticed that we both looked like we were going to leave.

"Are you two going somewhere today?" He asked us.

Haruka, with her big smile, turned to Otoya and nodded.

"Yes! (Y/N) and I are going to Hayato's concert!" She said with excitement as I smiled and nodded.

Tomo turned to Otoya with her head resting on her hands.

"I heard he's going to announce a new song today," she informed him.

I had to giggle at Haruka's actions. She was so excited, and I'll admit, I was too. I may not be a huge fan of Hayato, but I did like his songs. They were catchy, plus it was nice to see Haruka filled with so much excitement.

"I'm so excited, I couldn't sleep last night," she smiled.

"Yeah, and it's in an amusement park too. We were planning on going to some rides afterwards too," I smiled as well.

The others stayed quiet as I looked at them. They all had concerned looks on their faces. I tilted my head a little bit.

"I'm worried," Hijirikawa said quietly after he took a sip of his tea.

Haruka and I looked at him with confusion. Why would he be worried? Tomo then leaned over to us, with her shoulder leaning on mine, and had her arms crossed.

"If I didn't have so much homework piled up, I'd go with you two, but.." she trailed off.

Now I was starting to get lost on where they were going with this. Haruka seemed like she was too.

"Are you two will be okay? Especially you, (Y/N)?" Otoya asked us with a really worried expression on his face.

"Umm.." She and I both trailed off.

Hijirikawa took another sip of his tea as he spoke again.

"As long as you don't get lost while getting there," he told us.

Haruka and I both sweat-dropped. It clicked in my mind what they were so worried about. You see, Haruka and I both have a very bad sense of direction. We both got lost easily, but I was a little better than she was. Before I could say my thanks to them for worrying, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"In that case, I could always take you there, Little Kitten."

I turned around and saw Ren with a smile on his face and him looking down at me. Haruka stood off to the side a little bit as she giggled at me blushing.

"Oh, hey, Ren," I greeted as I put my hand on my cheek, trying to get them to stop turning even redder than what they already were.

His eyes softened as he continued to keep his gaze on me.

"Hello to you as well, my lady. Since we'll be going on this little outing, how 'bout we call it a date?" He flirted as I turned scarlet, I kid you not.

Everyone kind of got stiff as he said that. I was stuttering a little bit, but Hijirikawa's voice snapped me out of it.

"That makes me even more worried," he said as Ren looked at him with irritation.

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