"Feeling Heart"

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Third POV

A day after the whole Hayato incident occurred, it not only bothered (Y/N), but Haruka as well. Her (h/c) haired friend hadn't known it, but Haruka had actually gone back to make sure (Y/N) was okay after the whole Satsuki thing. When she had gotten up to the stage, she had caught sight of her idol, along with her best friend.


Haruka had made it up to a covered part of the stage, and out of the rain. As she caught her breath, she could hear her best friend speaking. She followed her voice, and saw her, along with Hayato, sitting on the ground.

"Wait a minute. Are you, Ichinose?" She heard (Y/N) ask.

Haruka stood there in shock, she didn't know what to think, or even do. All she could do was run to meet her friends at the meet up that she had been at earlier. As she waited for everyone, it all made sense to Haruka now, why Ichinose always seemed rather tired and why he was always out late at night.

Flashback End

As she sat in A-Class, she kept thinking back to what had happened at the concert. She had a feeling that Ichinose had been hiding something, but she was hoping she hadn't been right. She zoned out, so hard that she didn't even hear Tomo call her name.

"Haruka...? Haruka..? Haruka!" Tomo called out as she put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

Haruka snapped up and looked to her other close friend.

"Yes?" She asked as she noticed that everyone in her class was beginning to stand up and leave the classroom.

"Didn't you hear Ringo?  We're going to S-Class," Tomo informed the dazed girl.

Realizing the situation, Haruka quickly stood up with her friends and walked down to the classroom that her other three friends were. As they entered the classroom, she gave a small wave over to (Y/N), who smiled and returned the gesture.  As soon as everyone filed into the room, Ryuya and Ringo took their places in the front as Ryuya began speaking, quieting everyone down.

"Now, you're probably all wondering why you're in my classroom. As most of you probably remember, we had a student score a 96 on the songwriting assignment a few weeks back. Ringo and I want to give you all an example of why she got a 96 on the assignment to help you guys score high on future assignments," Ryuya had begun.

"This will help those who didn't score so high get a taste at what we're mostly looking for, and to help those who did score good go even higher. With that being said, (Y/N), if you would please," Ringo smiled as he pointed out the unaware girl.

First POV

That was when everyone's eyes landed on me. I blushed hard, because I didn't think I was the only one who had gotten a 96 on the songwriting assignment, so I wasn't expecting them to call me out like that. I mean, it was nice to see my A-Class friends, but I had no idea Ringo and Ryuya were planning this. I was shocked, but I stood up and made my way back to the piano. I looked to Ryuya and Ringo to give me the go ahead, but Ryuya mentioned something before I started.

"Play that one piece you've been working on," he told me as I gave him a small nod.

'Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous,' I kept thinking to myself, trying to calm down a little bit.

Before I began playing, I looked up and saw all of my friends smiling at me. Otoya, Syo, and Tomo all gave me a thumbs up while I smiled back at everyone as I took a breath in through my nose and out through my mouth as I began to play.

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