"Fantasia of the Stars" Part One

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Third POV

After what seemed like such an eventful month, well, it was an eventful month, the STARISH gang along with their two composers, were headed off to a resort owned by the agency in order to take a break while also helping to prepare them for what the next step in their journey would be. It was a bit of a drive, so the idols and composers had to wake up pretty early that morning, which meant for one singer-songwriter in particular, napping the entire way.

(Y/N) was peacefully sleeping with her head laying on Nanami's shoulder, her aviator sunglasses falling halfway down the bridge of her nose, her mouth slightly agape with her hands intertwined in her lap. The pink haired composer didn't mind all that much since this had been the way things had been for years. The (h/c) haired girl would always pass out while Nanami acted as a human pillow. But she didn't mind, in fact, she embraced it.

Because the singer-songwriter's head served as a pillow for her. And the guys were keeping her busy with small talk and everything.

It was about early afternoon when the company car pulled into the parking lot of the resort here in the middle of the mountains where things were nice and peaceful. And quiet.

"(Y/N), we're here," Nanami shook her sleeping bestie by the shoulder to try and stir her awake as the others started gathering their belongings.


Not a single sound coming from the (h/c) haired girl except for soft snores as she continued snoozing. Sheesh, shaking her usually did the trick, but the girl was completely out. As Nanami continued trying to wake her fellow composer up, the boys started noticing that the girls hadn't moved from their spot yet.

"She's still asleep?" Ittoki asked as he peeked over the seat since he and Ichinose were sitting right in front of the two.

The dark haired one also looked over to see that indeed, (Y/N) was still very much asleep. Good lord, she sure could fall asleep anywhere she wanted to, couldn't she? At this point, the others started to come over, peering down at the sleeping beauty, who clearly wasn't moving an inch.

"She fell asleep as soon as the car started moving," Nanami sheepishly smiled as she continued trying to shake her friend awake.

Yeah, it was to no avail, and she should've known that it wouldn't work. The others were kind of shocked that she was in such a deep sleep to the point where she couldn't feel the car park. Especially since they had gone up in elevation, which meant their ears were popping, and that would wake anyone up. You would think.

Though, Syo seemed to think he knew exactly why the singer-songwriter was so tired as he placed a cheeky smile on his face while crossed his arms on the back of the girls's seats.

"Let me guess, she stayed up way too late last night and totally forgot we were leaving today," the strawberry blonde made his prediction.

He kind of noticed how tired she looked earlier that morning, but he kind of figured it was just because everyone had to wake up that morning. Anyone would be kind of groggy, but this was a deep, deep, sleep. Little did the boy know, the sheepish smile on Nanami's face gave him the answer of 'yes', to which the boy sweat-dropped.

Okay, he was just joking around, but clearly, that wasn't the case. But you know, Syo really wasn't that surprised at the same time, because, hmm, he didn't know, she had done it before!

So, clearly, the (h/c) haired girl was using the car ride as her good night's sleep, more like good morning's sleep. And they all knew very well that when she was out, she was OUT. Though, Ren took the opportunity to be his flirty little self as he placed an arm in front of Ittoki, which literally made him back off because of the golden haired flirt's arm literally was pushing him back.

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