"Brand New Melody"

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First POV

"(Y/N)! There you are! I got worried when I came back and you weren't here," Ittoki exclaimed out of relief.

I looked at him with a small shocked expression. He had used my first name. Was he really that worried? I think it took him a second before he realized what he had said.

"O-oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't even thinking," he apologized with a red face.

I smiled and shook my head.

"Nah, you're good. You can call me '(Y/N)' if you want to," I told him, giving him permission to call me by first name.

He looked at me with excitement, as if he had wanted to call me by my first name.

"Well, then it's only fair if you call me 'Otoya'," he told me as he pointed to himself.

I blushed a little bit. I had always been the type to not call someone by their first name right away, just because it was common curtesy for me.

"Okay, but it may take me a little bit," I admitted.

He told me that was fine and then set down some snacks that he had gotten us. I looked down at my stuff, trying to wrap my head around what had happened. It shouldn't be something that I should be worried about, but I couldn't shake my mind about what I had just witnessed.

"Where did you go anyway?" Itt-Otoya asked me.

See, I told you. I don't get the whole name thing right away. I sat on the ground with my legs crossed and my hands on my ankles.

"Well, a cat stole a pair of my socks, so I ran after it," I began.

Otoya sweat-dropped as he turned into a chibi.

"Wait, a cat?"

I nodded and continued.

"I found my socks, but then, I saw Haruka and Hayato talking."

Otoya seemed shocked when I told him that. His eyes went all wide as he leaned forward toward me. He was sitting on the ground by me, so he was a little close.


"B-but it wasn't him though," I said as I waved my hands around, trying to make him understand.

And to also make sure he didn't bump into me since he had gotten so close.


I was standing by the trees, making sure that I wasn't seen by the two individuals that were conversing. He really did look like Hayato.

"I'm Tokiya Ichinose," he had said in an empty voice.

It was weird. If he wasn't Hayato, then who was he? This whole thing was a little too weird for me, but I wanted to stay and listen.

"But... you're really Hayato, right?" Haruka had asked.

I don't think she was convinced that he wasn't Hayato, and that he was using a fake name. Before the cold gazed boy could say anything, we heard the all too familiar voice.

"Oh, no! Hahahaha! Wrong! That's wrong-o!" The headmaster said as he came out from his hiding place.

I sweat-dropped. He really was something else. He stood between Haruka and Ichinose, as if he were guarding the boy.

"Headmaster, how long have you been here?" Haruka had asked.

I was wondering the exact same thing. He must have some really good surveillance cameras.

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